posted ago by w-duranty6489 ago by w-duranty6489 +39 / -0

(Not an ironic title)

Whitey created racism, slavery and oppression. (Hitler God creates itself)

Whitey have the majority and institutional power, that's how they created slavery and oppression. (Hitler Power)

This is Whitey's establishment/system/civilization/thought. (Hitlertopia, HitlerThink)

Whitey created Hitler, Whitey has Unconscious Bias, Whitey is Hitler. (Russel's Hitler Teapot, Hitler Jesus)

Whitey = Hitler creates violence, oppression and genocide. (Physical Manifestation Of Hitler)

Whitey bands together with Whitey in Whitey Solidarity. (Hitler Exodia, the Forbidden One)

Participating in Whitey Systems causes White Adjacency, Proximity To Whiteness. (Aura Of Hitler causes Hitler Infection)

White Adjacency, Proximity To Whiteness makes you Complicit In White Supremacy. (Posession By Hitler)

You are all Hitler. If you succeed in society (Hitlertopia) using facts and logic and Enlightenment thought (HitlerThink), you are White Adjacent, Proximity To Whiteness and Complicit In White Supremacy (Aura Of Hitler), creating Racism Slavery And Oppression (Hitler God), the manifestation of arch-Whitey: Hitler (Posession By Hitler), creating an explosion of Repressed White Violence (Repression Of Inner Hitler) creating genocide (Physical Manifestation Of Hitler).

If you are accused of Racism (Hitler) and you have an emotional outburst denying it (a heated emotional outburst is an indication of innocence when faced with a false accusation in criminal psychology) you are guilty of White Fragility (Hitler Shame), and are guilty of Racism (Hitler), according to the logic of Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility, an anti-racist (anti-Hitler) and anti-fascist (anti-Hitler).

https://archive.ph/5HfBk https:// youtube. com/watch?v=BemHqUqcpI8

Guilty until proven innocent. JCS - Criminal Psychology

Published on 9 Oct 2020

“I assure you this will be looked into thoroughly...”

Who is racist?


The Woke Temple‏ @WokeTemple 5 May 2021

How it works...........

Asians are white


The Woke Temple‏ @WokeTemple 4 May 2021

Are they successful? Then deny them their idenity. It's kind of sick.



The Woke Temple‏ @WokeTemple 3 May 2021

Be careful of #TheWhiteMind. It's dangerous.

A link to the full paper: Yes, I have "summarized" in a fun, mocking way. But I believe that I am reflecting the core ideas and teachings of the paper. If anybody thinks I have errored or strayed, I'd be happy to hear why.

https://archive.ph/nlB8a https://web.archive.org/web/20210507153305/https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1065640.pdf https:// files. eric. ed. gov/fulltext/EJ1065640. pdf

Psychopath's guide to "Racial Sensitivity Training" (White Fragility style)


The Woke Temple‏ @WokeTemple· 6 May 2021

One criticism of my memes is that they “straw-man” or “misrepresent”. When I ask how, I almost never receive an answer. They direct me to “true” CRT material, or call me racist & leave. If ever I do straw-man or misrepresent, I’m open to discussing why. @megynkelly @realchrisrufo

Their work is doubly maddening because they start with a kernel of truth (DiAngelo: white people’s nervousness in discussion race, dominant-culture norms; Kendi: racial disaprities due to historical oppression) . . . .


The Woke Temple‏ @WokeTemple 4 May 2021

A common back-&-forth in discussion/debates about CRT. Rooted in the presumption of guilt.

  • A “You are guilty of X."

  • B "No I’m not!”

  • A "Take responsibility for your guilt.”

  • B (Emotional response)

  • A "Your emotional response proves your guilt." (& later A moves the goalposts)


The Woke Temple‏ @WokeTemple 7 May 2021

1/7] My first meme. When I was halfway through my first reading of White Fragility, I got an uncomfortable feeling. That I was being coerced. Manipulated. But I couldn’t put my finger on why………

2/7] DiAngelo would say (and does say) that the uncomfortable feeling is my unconscious “Fragility”. And therein lies the trap: Any disagreement can be (and is) framed as “fragility”.

3/7] If disagreement or questioning of a theory is proof of the theory [page 119], then we are not dealing with ideas or scholarship. We are dealing with a religion.

4/7] “Joe, you are possessed by the Devil.” —“No, I’m not.” “That’s exactly what people possessed by Devil say.” —“I disagree.” “Disagreement. Proof you are possessed by the Devil.”

5/7] “Joe, you have White Fragility.” —“No, I don’t.” “That’s exactly what people with White Fragility say.” —“I disagree.” “Disagreement. Proof of your White Fragility.”[page 119]

6/7] How can one know if your resistance comes from your own logic & intuition—or from The Devil? How can one know if your resistance comes from your own logic & intuition—or from your “Fragility”?

7/7] Any scholarship that renders disagreement impossible is not scholarship. It’s religion. And so, that inspired one of my first memes. And also inspired “The Woke Temple”.