Hardly anyone will sell you GME stock, rumors are everywhere about this being co-ordinated with Citron etc increasing their short positions.
Unconfirmed reports about Robinhood and TD Ameritrade forcing people to sell "for their own good".
Why has everyone rushed to defend random hedge funds? Do these people have any other ties?
I read this commented here somewhere but haven't confirmed. It's totally realistic speculation though. The thought is that Citadel or Point72 who gave Melvin Capital (the shorters) a cash infusion may have a stake in some of these brokerages as well. If not, then some other investment firm could have a common interest.
So think about it, if theoretically I'm Citadel, I save Melvin Capital with some of my funds in exchange for a decent ownership interest in Melvin Capital at likely a bargain price. Then I go to Robinhood that I also have a big interest in and push them to limit trades to help the shorters limit their losses. So, I've helped my new ownership interest in Melvin Capital that I got at a bargain price not lose as much on top of that.
It's totally all speculation, and most likely illegal in the old government, but at least in my opinion it's not far fetched. A couple strategic contributions to the right women in the party and the legal issues vanish.
I am not telling you to drop GME right now.
But this scenario is going to absolutely BREAK investor confidence going forward. We're due another market crash, so get out of Wall Street investing quickly.
I'm not sure that holds. Once GameStop crashes down to ten dollars again, everyone will forget any of this even happened. This won't affect the "safe" stocks like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft because they're too big to be manipulated like this.
They won't be manipulated. But a dead market is a dead market. The market value loss across the board will be what naturally comes, not an artificial manipulation.
I doubt that. As long as this can be framed "correctly" by media and financial news orgs, nobody who wasn't involved in this will remember any of it.
Hardly any normal people who invest know more than what's in the WSJ, MarketWatch, Bloomberg etc.
Market crashes are good for people who want to invest.
Alternatively get in on shorting the market. Put options can only lose you as much as you bought them for
I'll definitely consider the option. But for now, my account has been turned into cash. I had even considered getting in on the GME and AMC action, until today's events.
I got in on NOK AMC and BB yesterday unfortunately. And now I'm just gonna hodl until they let retail buy again, selling at a loss now vs a loss a month from now makes no difference.
Once that's over with though, I'm definitely pulling out for put options or crypto
Nokia is in on a short squeeze too? That one surprises me. They have been so low for years now.
Nokia actually had reasons for increased interest outside of WSB too. Monday they announced they are re issuing dividends for the first time since 2019 and I believe they had a 5G related product announcement.
Yeah I've followed them a while being in related industry and all. They aren't nearly as bad off as a Gamestop or AMC. They are actually a profitable company already and not on the verge of bankruptcy. They don't even have their phone business anymore (that's HMD Global), but they are still a big player in the 4G and 5G hardware game. That's why it didn't make sense to be a short squeeze. I'm not sure I could see reason for a hedge fund to stack shorts on a $5 stock of a company that has solid revenue potential.
They won't let you buy in anymore.
This is about precedent. The Plebes can not be allowed to know that they have the power to burn the system.
It's a basic aspect of war. Security forces are always outnumbered and must project power, confidence, fear, and violence of action to maintain control. Always. It's not a maybe, it's life and death. 10,000 protesters can not be controlled by 1,000 cops without force, coercion, or persuasion.
When the market collapses and BoA, JP Morgan, Black Rock, are all loosing money, what the fucking do you think is going to happen when it stops being a bunch of retards on reddit who decide to fuck with short sellers, but a hundred million people who are so angry about their lost pensions and devalued home prices that they decide to a) stop paying debts, b) start shorting those stocks.
A mass run on the banks would kill the economy. Mass shorts on the "to big to fail" might kill them. Refusal to pay debt would destroy the world economy.
Make no mistake: the elites are running full speed towards the largest wealth transfer in human history. They want to be the first trillionaires. But by abandoning Fabianism, they are generating resistance in a way that they never imagined would happen. The power that a highly agitated and activated populace might take against them could destroy the whole fucking world order without a single shot... unfortunately, that's exactly why they are going to start shooting people.
The system is massive, but it is also fragile. That is why every symbolic victory, and I assure you these are symbolic victories, are dangerous blows. Nothing done by WSB will directly hurt the power-elite. But it shows a critical weakness in the system that can't be covered up.
Signing the paperwork next week to move my old Scottrade, now TD Ameritrade, account over to fidelity where my IRA & 401k are. My understanding is that Fidelity isn't pulling this shit. But if TD Ameritrade are doing this kind of shit they've killed their own service because a lot of people who aren't in on this are going to be taking a look and say, "what's to prevent you from selling my stuff 'for my own good' or not letting me do what I want with my money when I want next time?"
“If you want smug redditors to fail, you support hedge funds!!”
You all sound like commie faggots, lol
K, edgelord.
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If some faggot calls you a faggot, don't take it personally.
That hand-shake icon betrays you as nothing more than a troll, at best. Maybe you're even a shill, and in the off-chance you're a 共匪 kind of shill...
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