The TERFs are funny. These characters look like women. a man can never look like them. This kind of characterization is the only way to visually exclude men from that space on the screen. Feminists can't know what they want.
Shitty disgusting "game journalists" giving them trouble as usual (something needs to be done about these people) though the tweets on the nintendo lite tweet that were attacking this game they were pretty much all "COINCIDENTLY" rad fems terfs that dont have interest in or anything to do with games if you see their accounts. some big rad fem probably linked to it and got a bunch of her followers to brigade and attack the game.
I think the funniest tweet is the one claiming she hates the "pornified sexualized" women and wants to "Escape femininity"
hahaha she admitted big tiddy=feminine
The TERFs are funny. These characters look like women. a man can never look like them. This kind of characterization is the only way to visually exclude men from that space on the screen. Feminists can't know what they want.
They know what they want, they just wont say it outright.
They indirectly called out the lying games media as well.
Based as hell.
We need more developers like them.
Top Hat Quadrupling down and they're still going to beat the dealer.
Context thread from a few days ago:
Shitty disgusting "game journalists" giving them trouble as usual (something needs to be done about these people) though the tweets on the nintendo lite tweet that were attacking this game they were pretty much all "COINCIDENTLY" rad fems terfs that dont have interest in or anything to do with games if you see their accounts. some big rad fem probably linked to it and got a bunch of her followers to brigade and attack the game.
Intesresting to see it's Hong Kong and Japan not bowing down to leftist pressure.
Soyny of California and Microshaft however...
I stand with you know who.
Feminist doublethink: it's empowering for women to be slutty only when I say so!