yoisi 3 points ago +6 / -3

Im not complaining about your post dont get me wrong

yoisi 5 points ago +10 / -5

Um just to be clear i didn't actually ask to be a mod there. He just put me as mod. Also kotakuinaction5 exists

yoisi 3 points ago +9 / -6

why am i not surprised that the guy who got upset with me saying that i didn't like gaijins moving to Japan also gets upset over people saying stuff against jews and blacks.

yoisi 14 points ago +15 / -1

Here are the rape statistics by country that leftists don't want you to know about whilst they claim Japan is a bad country because their camaras make sound because people take naughty pictures https://files.catbox.moe/2qzs7q.jpg

yoisi 0 points ago +3 / -3

i dont agree that it should be removed either way , but i genuinely did not read it as "inherently ", i read it as it was meant to be read which was that it refers to their behaviour

yoisi 13 points ago +14 / -1

You chose to read it in that context though. you chose to add a word to the tweet that didn't exist in the tweet. it said immigrants and black people make public transport disgusting and unsafe. most people would read it as they make it disgusting and unsafe because of their behaviour. But you chose to ADD a word there that didn't exist just to make it turn in to a different sentance altogether.

And on top of that Ger111 didn't even say that himself he only posted the tweet along with the title "honored" in reference to how the person reacted to being called racist.

yoisi 6 points ago +11 / -5

the tweet literally doesn't say that. No where in the tweet does the word "inherently" exist.

Also its not the first time. i've seen him ban a post that posted a video of a black person twerking and a gorilla twerking, claiming that the post was asserting that black people were gorillas or something even though to me it seemed more like it was asserting that twerking is gorrilla behaviour.

yoisi 14 points ago +16 / -2

They make it disgusting and unsafe because black people disproportionately behave in a bad manner as most people can see from simple observation. The "inherently" part was just a word that's added by Dom who wants to censor and ban people he doesn't like

Also like you said, Ger111 didn't even say it himself he just posted a tweet saying it and the only thing the title of the post said was "honored" in reference to how the guy in the tweet reacted to someone calling him a racist

yoisi 18 points ago +20 / -2

This is the post https://unscored.arete.network/c/KotakuInAction/p/19A0tMyDQJ/ . the tweet says that black people make public transport disgusting and unsafe and i read it as they make it disgusting and unsafe because of the way they behave. Dom comes along and claims that the tweet is claiming that black people "inherently" make public transport disgusting which is bullshit. Its just Dom choosing to add a word there that didn't exist to make an excuse to ban people he doesn't like

yoisi -3 points ago +4 / -7

I think it's about both looks and behaviour. . If you look different from the rest of society you aren't ever going to be truly accepted and because of that you'd end up growing resentful towards that society. And even if you can accept that , your children or grandchildren probably won't and will turn against the country. and whether people like to accept it or not people will always prefer to be with others that look like them and have the same ancestors as them

yoisi 14 points ago +15 / -1

Even Koreans and Chinese don't really assimulate in Japan. The split loyalties are always there especially considering the bad history between the countries.

yoisi -1 points ago +4 / -5

i think visiting is fine but staying there isn't .Which unfortunately im seeing a lot of people say they want to move there .

yoisi 4 points ago +8 / -4

Tons of gaijin bring woke ideology to Japan. Gaijin teachers spread BLM and LGBT nonsense in Japanese schools.

yoisi 3 points ago +8 / -5

dude. Tons of people who go to Europe go there to plunder and rape what makes you think there aren't people who go to Japan to plunder and rape? the fact that they don't even think twice about how their presence in Japan will make Japan less Japanese shows they don't respect Japan. Plenty of people like Antartica and go to visit antartica and then leave it as a complete mess

yoisi 7 points ago +8 / -1

the age of consent was 13 nationally but pretty much all individual prefectures had it at 16-18 which cancelled out the 13.

yoisi -2 points ago +6 / -8

And im expressing my dislike for it with my free speach . Moron.

yoisi 8 points ago +14 / -6

you know what 90% of Japan being Japanese means? it means only 80% of the younger generation is Japanese. Right now Japan is more like 97% Japanese but among the younger generations its more like 87% Japanese. America used to be 90% White and now look at America today

yoisi -6 points ago +6 / -12

The context is i see a lot of people on the internet say they want to move to Japan. And it pisses me off

yoisi 44 points ago +45 / -1

it could just as easily be a "whatcha doing rabbi" moment. Community notes says "It is not possible to receive a banknote with graffiti on it directly from an ATM in Australia. The Reserve Bank of Australia ensures quality control of banknotes. "

yoisi 11 points ago +14 / -3

when there's so many other way bigger problems in society , Christians bitching about hot female characters in games just makes them look like weak petty assholes who only want to bully the underdog because going against the other bigger problems would be too hard for them.

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