crap sorry, forgot to the link the video in my previous post, now corrected
tumblr (stylized spelling without the "e") is/was a blogging site that was extremely popular with leftwingers of a particularly looney bent. while there are/were people of all viewpoints on the platform, for some reason, it was a real magnet for people who really wanted you to know how much of a victim they were.
Besides trans-everything, such ideas as headmates, otherkin, and many others developed and were extremely popular there. the community at least was known for being very much
as far as I know the site still exists, but their numbers dropped off a cliff when they decided to ban porn a few years ago.
oh please, if twitch banned porn, they'd go the way of tumblr...
I mean...
They don't want to fade into security like the other lefty hugbox...
Even as a non-christian, I can say it's been going on for a while. Maybe it's ramped up lately, but it's been going on for years
Anyway, there's been some bitching and moaning about christian revivalism for a few months now. apparently there's been some big, scary, probably-made-out-of-black-plastic-and-covered-in-picatinny-rails upswing in 'christian nationalism lately, and commies don't like the competition soooo....
not to mention politicians (including clinton) faking accents to fit whatever part of the country they were in at the time right up until they got caught doing that shit by the internet...
hell, some of them probably still do it
They sometimes casually mention it
You should look into Ghost in the Shell. Watch the 80s movie first. standalone complex is good, but it's a little more lighthearted.
neutral in the sense of presenting both sides, and the facts, not neutral in the sense of sticking a fencepost up your ass and refusing to budge, lol.
fuck, i used to be good at math, lmao.
even before the profs, even before the marxist takeover of the colleges, there was tumblr.
America's OG internet hugbox...
sadly the pronouns/transgenderism thing is probably the tamest insanity to escape from that particular echo chamber...
just putting this out there, my own bias is towards the gg side, because I can remember the shitty EGM reviews of the 90s, and I tend to follow commentators who tend to favor gamergate.
I thought gg started in 2014.
fair enough, lol.
...if I was more ambitious, I'd try to make something like that myself, lol
weirdly, I feel like the 'returning to the village' line feels like a metaphor to returning to your parents home...
it's like the author is saying, "just give up and be a basement dweller the rest of your life"
(emphasis mine)
Just like they denounced anyone who previously said Haiti was a shithole (it is), the media is now trying to imply that the existence of cannibal gangs is a racist hoax.
Haiti would have to improve considerably to be considered a shithole at this point... The proper term is hellhole.
always happy to convert someone to the church of Linus, lmao
seems to. I've never had any issues, lol. Every controller I've hooked up worked just fine if the game supported gamepads.
Some older titles are a bit of a PITA, though that's mainly because they didn't originally have controller support (lotta keyboard/mouse purists in 90s/00s game development I'm assuming, lol). you should be able to set up a gamepad, even if if it doesn't work out of the box.
oh, before I forget, If you ever wanna set up a pure emulation box, look into lakka, it's a linux spin that's basically exclusively for emulators, (it's built around retroarch). the interface is basically a direct ripoff of the ps3 dashboard, lmao.
All of this would be so much easier if Valve weren't lazy, ha.
or if you weren't =P
kidding aside, I can tell you most gamepads I've tested work out of the box in linux (wired at least, not a big fan of wireless gamepads, batteries are a PITA). PS3, PS4, and even PS5 gamepads seem to work just fine. no hunting for in-between layers or going into special modes to use non-approved drivers, literally just plug and play. As far as I know, xbox controllers work fine as well, but I prefer symmetrical analog sticks, so I really never use them.
doing a little research, it looks like fanatec devices should work mostly out of the box, though you might need to do some tweaking.
I'm including a couple of relevant forum threads that may point you in the right direction if you have any problems:
guy could definitely have been forgiven for referring to his penis as his "dragon" lmao
ah, that makes sense
I'm assuming it's the C: that gets formatted?
most likely, assuming it's the primary drive. For safety, I would move any files you can't afford to lose to another drive (or even get a fresh drive if you want to be paranoid, lol), and disconnect all other drives while installing it.
Keep in mind, however, that the computer in question will effectively be gaming only while you have ChimeraOS installed. Not trying to discourage you, I just don't want to leave you with a bad taste in your mouth by not warning you what to expect.
Also, do you know if Nvidia drivers are supported in ChimeraOS?
I believe there's a way, but I've never used it with an nvidia GPU, so I can't say for sure.
btw, here's the website so you don't have to wait for me to get back to you. I don't mind answering your questions, in fact I'm happy to help however I can, but I'm sometimes slow to respond, and I've only dabbled with it a little bit (I have it on an all-in--one PC that has some bad caps so it only works every six months or so for a few days at a time, lol)
...if you're going back to the NES, look for "Dragon Warrior." For some reason, they changed the name when they localized it int he 90s
normally, i'd agree, but in this case, it's just attention seekers doing what attention seekers do.
it's a sad reality that mental illnesses go through fashion trends the same way as shoes or dresses do. autism, ADD, and others have been "fashionable" mental illnesses in the past.