yeah, but prices were already dropping when that happened...although broken clocks, but obama did stay out of the way of the energy industry...
remember when that evil nazi drumfler (too redundant?) got gas prices down to pre-9/11 levels?
good times...
and to replace those things with the state.
What's ironic is that marxists, in particular the purest of marxist followers, think of themselves as anti-statist, but their solution to the state is to create a totalitarian superstate that will somehow eventually wither away once it's done reshaping human beings into some sort of share and share alike egalitarians.
Sadly though, marxism in practice is basically glorified feudalism with the nobility replaced by the Party.
The problem is degeneracy is as much a buzzword to me as patriarchy theory. They're both vaguely dogmatic terms that mean very little to me, because I don't follow the faith they come from.
That being said, there will always be deviations who don't fit the established mold, no matter how hard they or anyone else tries to force them into it. Simply shunning them from society doesn't work when there are movements that are ready, willing, and able to scoop them up and turn them into a weapon against you, so it makes sense to try to find a place for them in society, even if you have to hold your nose to do so. You can only scorch the earth so far afield, after all.
Most of the bedroom feminists maybe, but you'd be a fool to assume there aren't smart people pushing this crap from behind the scenes who buy into the dogma, or at the very least see it as a springboard for their own agenda/advancement.
Seriously, there's a type of stupidity that only smart people fall into. It's hard to describe, but you know it when you've seen it.
It's been a while, but I've seen a few examples.
Think of how white antifa members call black cops uncle tom and coon. They don't care about the causes they espouse, they just use them as an excuse to push their own agenda.
And are you gonna tell me if you put on a skirt and started parrotted the talking points youtube wouldn't give you a million subscribers in a couple of months? lol.
See, you don't have to invent a movement to take advantage of it.
Let's use environmentalism as an example. In it's most basica form, yeah, it makes sense. Recycle and reuse as much as you can, buy locally as much as possible so that your food and other supplies aren't being shipped from halfway around the world wasting massive amounts of fuel for no reason, don't dump toxic sludge into the water table, reduce your use of plastics as much as reasonably possible, etc.
These are all perfectly reasonable ideas I think we can all agree make sense and are generally good things for the environment.
But then you get into the climate change people, and it just becomes absolutely insane and ridiculous the lengths they have to go to keep people buying into it, and you realize somebody is taking advantage of an otherwise positive movement for their own benefit.
Trannies are motivated solely by perversion.
Some of them. Some of them are washed up athletes and celebrities looking for an easy path to glory, a tiny fraction have a genuine mental disorder, and some of them are simply young adults and teens desperately seeking acceptance in a world of social media that's made the world so small that none of us feel like we fit in the room anymore.
Imagine being in highschool in this day and age and having to compete for attention with not just your own school's kids, but every kid your age with access to a cellphone. There's adults who have trouble with that crap, I can see why teens would do almost anything for attention in that atmosphere.
Regarding marxism, It's not just a tool to tear down western society. It legitimately fits into their collectivist ideology, particularly when you look at their obsession with "equality" at any cost. How can we be equal if there are two distinct genders? Transgenderism allows them to further blur the distinctions between people while giving them a mask of "sensitivity."
Not exactly.
Picture a Venn Diagram. On one side, you've got a circle that's people obsessed with equality to the point of making people equality miserable so long as they're equal. On the other, you have a group of upper and upper middle class trust-funders who have never accomplished anything and feel guilty for the wealth they enjoy but didn't earn. nine out of ten marxists fall comfortably into the sliver between those two circles.
Hell, you look at Marx's life, and you realize why this shit appeals to them, it's because the bastard was one of them in every way imaginable, down to never working a hard day's labor in his life.
It helps if you think of cultural marxism as a new strain of the original computer virus
Yeah, but there are people who don't buy into it who also know a good hustle when they smell it.
P.T Barnum put it best, honestly.
The problem with Marxists is "equality" is their ultimate ideal, even if that means we're all equally miserable. If they burn down your neighborhood and you're not broke on the street, they're okay with your kids starving, because, hey, your neighbor who made slightly less a year than you also has equally starving, homeless kids. When you understand that, it's easy to see why this sort of mix and match gender shit appeals to them, because hey, if we all cut our dicks and our tits off, we'll all be equally dickless and titless.
Regarding gender dysphoria, it's not that it isn't real, it's just that it's (thankfully) ridiculously rare. (probably more people have gotten and died of covid prevaccine, honestly).
But yeah, the trendiness, and the adolescent need for attention, and of course the lazy athlete who wants a trophy no matter what it costs.
On the upside, though, at least people will watch the WNBA now.😁
It really is the ugliness of Marxism distilled down to the purest of spirits...
You're whatever you want to be so long as you fall in line, but the minute you step over that line, you're nothing.
The Twitter moms and the soccer Karens? not so much.
But there are people who pull the strings behind the scenes who either believe in this shit or else see it as a useful hustle to grow their own bank accounts.
This is true.
Oh yeah, there's the trendiness thing, no doubt.
But I'm saying It's also a useful tool if you wanna control the karens who control something like sixty percent of all money spent in the world...
oh that part's easy. there's lots of that to go around.
I'm talking the feminists who use it to push their girl-power bullshit on soccer-mom america.
I jumped ship the minute that I couldn't turn "pocket" off on mobile.
Now I only use it when brave wont load a page that I have to use for work, etc.
good point, what if those teachers were in the irc chats as kids?
but the internet is where I buy my books. 🤪
And how did that work out? Now there's basically one movement, the one that pushes CRT.
Pushing class didn't really get them the desired result, so they pivoted to something more amenable to American history, where kings and queens weren't really a thing, so class struggle was less of a wedge issue.
God I wish. I'm this bad on pure air...
pfft! like I care. I came here to get away from the terminally offended, not become them.
n-word pass
You know it's funny, I can say almost any other offensive term on, especially on c/consumeproduct , but knowing that, I have no desire to do so.
When I used failbook or twatter, I unironcially wanted to constantly, just because they told me not to.
Technically yes as it was a communist attempt to destabilize America.
I don't mean technically, I mean literally is there any kind of parenthetical connection between social justice and the kinda of 'for the lulz' trolling of the late nineties/early two thousands?
In truth, communists do not believe in freedom or equality, they merely dangle those lies in front of the gullible and retarded to get them to destroy themseleves.
I think it's a bit more complicated than that. For one thing, you gotta keep in mind that the most dyed-in-the-wool communists, including Marx himself, were ironically about as "bourgeoisie" as they came, so besides the inevitable NIMBYism, they also have/had little to know understanding of how money works in the real world, as opposed to their little gated community bubbles.
Add to that a touch of egomania, and you start to see why they unironically believe they could reshape human thought into something more "equitable," in spite of the numerous failures of their ideas to bear fruit. Their predecessors just didn't have them to make it work, so of course it failed (/sarcasm).
communists do not believe in freedom or equality
I suspect they see 'freedom' as an illusion meant to control the gullible, but when you look at their actions, there doesn't seem to be an objection to making people 'equal' by making them equally miserable. So long as the playing field is 'level,' I doubt the average rank and vile gives it much more thought than that.
What do communists get out of this? The power to make everyone as miserable as they are.
Power in general, but also they get to fluff their own egos.
guy needs to get some sleep, though, he looks more and more like palpatine with every passing year, lol