I liked it to, it's just weird loo
I liked it to, it's just weird loo
Honestly, I just like games that let the characters defy the narrator (see also the Stanley parable, there is no game, etc). There's something fun about it.
This one's definitely weird though, lol
funny enough, I find let's plays to be far more useful in evaluating a game than any review.
...and let's be honest, games journalism was a shitshow all the way back to the nineties...
archive: https://archive.ph/ocdCr
sidenote: I heard an interesting anecdote about maker studios.
apparently when they were bought out, Disney had no idea how it worked, so they assumed they just had a stable of youtubers in their employ, when in reality, it was more of a voluntary/cooperative network.
boy, I can wait for viz to fuck up the animation on this one...
...I miss Kitty Animation...they did so good with takahashi's stuff...
good point.
sidenote: romulans are technically vulcans who rejected the strict emotionless philosophy of the core vulcan group, though I dunno if vulcans are vegetarian by culture or evolution, lol
"getting over it with bennett foddy"
hard as balls, but I weirdly enjoy it...
I've never beaten it, but I enjoy it, lmao.
wait, we haven't been playing as Zelda this whole time?
but not perfect
...meaning the politicians in the top brass found a petty flaw to give them plausible deniability when they killed the project so their arms dealer buddies could keep raking in money on one-size-fits-a-few solutions, right?
Seems like that's how it usually goes...
career politicians in charge.
hey, this thing/tactic worked super well in this one specialized situation, let's use it fucking everywhere. There's no way that could blow up in our faces right? RIGHT!?!
it's not even a uniquely military thing...
that being said, I don't see our modern military gangster leaning a warship anytime soon...that would take inventiveness and leadership...
...Because the noble savage mythology and the white man's burden never died, they just changed form...
can someone explain to the japanese company white liberal white are uncomfortablefor the skiled white guy to play japanese flute in traditional japanese clothing!?!?!
I never got fallout, but did tactics only use company servers, or could you host your own?
if the latter, the official servers being dead would be irrelevant, lol
...I wanna mention ai to him...
even if replicated food was perfect, you'd still see a healthy contingent of the population who would prefer the real thing for nostalgia sake, and nostalgia is all over TNG, anyway. From holodeck simulations of old books and historical periods to picard listening to classical music to establish his "cultured side".
I do find it funny that I never saw a single crewmember who listened to oldies in their time off, though, lmao.
did you ever see the pilot to TNG?
The cameo from McCoy interacting with Data was amazing...
if you can track down a copy, star trek: shattered universe was a great, if hard, game. Basically, the excelsior ends up in the mirror universe and has to fly halfway across the alpha quadrant to get home.
The twist is that they're in the bodies of their mirror universe doppelgangers, and the ship has star fighters instead of shuttlecraft.
not necessarily canon, but a fun game, and you get to see what kind of captain sulu might have been.
...if it makes you feel better, Neverending story 2 was already meh, and neverending story 3 was a trainwreck...
first one was good, but yeah, there's a reason it took them this long to do another one after the first two sequels, lol
...There was also the one by the woman who still doesn't realize she was a victim of abusive neglect... I forget the title, but she was literally pulled to the side by a teacher as a kid and told she smelled because her hygiene was so poor.
I'll use an older book as an analogy; I've no problem with *A Child called It" being available to adults, but it shouldn't be in an elementary school library...
Indy isn't automatically good, rather it's a potentiality.
independent studios/developers will always have flexibility and a willingness to go against the grain, hell, to try something new that nobody else has done before. A guy in his basement may not have the budget or the manpower to make his dream game perfect, but he doesn't have a supervisor, a manager, a CEO, a marketing team, a board of directors, or a gaggle of investors breathing down his next to make somebody else's dream game out of his, either. If he thinks the woke horsehshit is just that, he can ignore it. If he thinks it's the greatest thing evar, well he can go down that road as well, but it's his choice to make, not some entrenched bureaucracy trying to make sure they can take that vacation in cancun this summer and maybe visit a BRIDGE (look it up) seminar while they're at it.
oh, also cuphead, which was not only legitimately fun (if hard as balls), but also delivered one of the most delicious self-own by a game "journalist" I've ever seen in my forty years on this beautiful blue marble.
... That...actually explains one of the possible paths you can take...