yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

oh, I wasn't being critical. I'd never thought about it that way is all.

it's something to ponder is what I'm saying.

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

nah, lmao.

This goes back to the early to thousands for me.

...plus over the last 8 years, i've started paying attention to politics, so that might play a role.😁

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for confirming my bias on this issue, lol.

Jokes aside, I appreciate you expanding on what I said and hopefully making it more approachable to people less autistic than me. 😁

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

no arguments on the morality.

it's good to understand the mechanics, though, even if you avoid falsehood yourself, others do not.

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

sidenote: it's also true that often the truth hurts worse than a lie.

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0


...but what does any of that have to do with the price of tea in china? lol

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

3.c. Alterations or removals done in order to change the intent of the dialogue (i.e., Fire Emblems IF’s removal of the 26 boxes of dialogue in exchange for 4 boxes of “…” to signalize a conversation between ninjas) shall never be done. If the original dialogue was not made to have a comedic tone, the translation should preserve the non-comedic tone and vice-versa.

...I have mixed feelings about this one, honestly. The Ghost Stories ADV Dub was comedy gold. If they have an option to watch it with the original dialogue, I'm okay with , for lack of a better word, an "outtake dub" being included.

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

well, that's something I actually agree with him on.

Fun bit of trivia: there are three major console developers on the market, and none of them started out in vidya. actually, now that I think about it, only one of them started out with a focus on electronics hardware...

yeldarb1983 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nintendo also started with the whole rumble pack for the N64 and analog sticks, which spurred Sony to follow suit with the dualshocks.

pretty much said this, athough about as autistically as I possibly could, lol

but yes, that's the point of my post, the company are aggressive as hell on copyright, always have been. (they used to go after every video on youtube that even had a nintendo game in it, emulated or not, dunno if they still do.)

yeldarb1983 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nintendo are asshats, but the one bit of praise i'll give them is their focus. While Crony and Microshaft focus heavily on graphics, Skintendo always focused more on the interface. (Sega fell somewhere in the middle as I recall). Yeah, they improve the graphics from console to console, but the main focus has always been on the link between the player and the game, the controller. The first playstation controllers didn't even have thumbsticks, but because nintendo demonstrated it made the gameplay more fun (with a bit of a learning curve), sony quickly scrambled and released the first Dualshock controller, adding the rumble feature that the n64 put on an add-on at the same time.

Heck, even the modern gamepad layout owes a lot to nintendo. the now-standard d-pad on one side and four buttons on the other with at least two shoulder buttons layout owes a lot to the success of the SNES.

Again, I'm not some rabid nintendo fanboy, I don't even own any of the modern generation of consoles (PC has just become better at this point), but credit where it's due.

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

...wish I could drop them a line to open a community here on scored or minds, for that matter, seeing as they'll probably get nuked from orbit if they even try to open a plebbit page, but I don't see a good way to do it on the github, and I don't have a functioning twitter account. =/

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

hate to say it, but I'm unironically waiting for one of these woke companies to try to pull that off...

They're just too egotistical, too ignorant of their opponents (us), and too good at mental gymnastics to try do it, just to own the right...

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

communist price control

...Pretty sure criticizing someone for hiking prices after a disaster and suggesting a better way for stations to ration fuel is a free market concept as well, so long as the government doesn't get involved, but hey, whatever...

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

the breasts are more rounded, less pointy, gives them an impression of "flatness" when compared side-by-side

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

pfft good luck with that. any shareholders who aren't already convinced it was just misogynistic trolls on the internet who killed the film aren't gonna fall for this angle...

yeldarb1983 7 points ago +7 / -0

Kinda makes you wonder who they're trying to convince; themselves, or the general populace.

yeldarb1983 15 points ago +15 / -0

...you're shitting me...🤣

okay, full disclosure; the failbusters was for me what gamergate was for most of you; a massive redpill moment that sort of avalanched over the next six months to a year.

Lemme try to summarize the timeline (i'll try to put the month/year when I remember it):

  • 2009 the ghostbuster's video game comes out. it's basically the script for ghostbusters 3, and it has most of the original cast involved. it has a plot that's a bit sequelly, but it feels like a ghostbusters story (basically, it's a third person shooter with some ghostbusters gimmicks and the hud built into the back of the proton pack, actually a really clever concept the more I think about it). Dan Akroyd/Harold Ramis talks about how they wanted to make a new movie, but this was basically the third film, so they're happy. on a personal note, this makes me excited for the possibility of a third film, but things die down, and we don't hear anything for almost a decade.

  • the Exec in charge of Sony at the time, I forget her name, but she goes to feig to make an all female remake.

  • Paul turns her down twice, but she persists, and basically he says he'll only do it if he has complete control of the project, which ivan reitman basically has full veto power over. She gets reitman to give up control, and feig makes his version of the film.

  • a couple of teaser pics come out in Nov/Dec. of 2015, and there's some hints of what's to come, but it goes over the heads of me and (I assume) a lot of other people who were hoping for an actual ghostbusters 3.

  • the first trailer hits in Jan/Feb of 2016, and it's utterly raped online, going on to be one of the most downvoted videos on youtube of all time. (I personally was livid). There's no real clarity over whether it's a remake or a reboot, they (indirectly) call winson zeddemore a scientist, even though he's the everyman, and there's a cover of the original theme by a group that hasn't been popular since the late nineties (I think they were a bit niche even then, but this is more or less off the top of my head, so yeah).

  • spculatively related, but Deadpool drops in Feb 2016 and absolutely crushes it at the box office, in spite of no faith in the project at Fox.

  • I'm sure gamergate veterans can guess the next part; the new 'ghostbusters' actors and the director basically blame it all on the usual suspects; misogyny, losers in their moma's basement, you know the song and dance, and sony starts deleting any comments on the trailer that don't fit that narrative, these then make it into the trailer of the movie, with the actors playing the "ghostbusters" live reacting in character. The gaslight is on meanwhile, they scramble to get as many actors as they can from the original movie to recut some scenes for cameos as damage control.

  • the second trailer drops, and sony sprinkles it across multiple youtube channels that they own to try to dilute the downvoting and make it look like the film isn't as hated as it actually is, "correcting" the "four scientists" to "four friends," still implying winston was a member of the original crew, but not that he was a scientist. Again, no clarity over whether this is a reboot or a remake. (by this time, I'm praying for the film to bomb). Sony is using every trick they can to get people to go watch this trainwreck, free tickets, ecto cooler, whatever gets butts in seats.

  • James Rolfe, aka the Angry Video Game Nerd, puts out a video explaining why he wont be going to see or reviewing the film, titled "no review, I refuse." He's honestly a hell of a lot more fair about it than I would have been, but he catches the damage control hate maelstrom all the same. He ignores it and continues to make his own projects, gaining at least one more fan in the process (me).

  • The film drops in june/july 2016 and barely makes its money back domestically. I don't remember what the overseas returns were, but apparently they weren't the fantastic numbers they were hoping for, because it basically kills any hope of reviving the franchise for a few years.

  • Somewhere in the middle of all this, Sony has a huge cybersecurity breach, taken credit for by people claming to be N Koreans, angry over the portrayal of Kim Jung Un in The interview, and a lot of the backstory comes to light.

  • Apparently Trump called out the film at some point. I honestly don't remember as I was barely paying attention to politics at the time (bernie bro back then, let the hate fly, lol), but that's what Feig's trying to blame it on.

  • some of that might have been out of order, but yeah.

Feig didn't even want to make the damn film, now he's trying to blame it on trump. No Paul, you ate a bran muffin, washed it down with a prune smoothie, then you dropped your drawers and took a massive diarhea cascade on top of a beloved franchise. That backfired, and now you're trying to revive your career by jumping on the trump hate bandwagon. Sit your ass down.

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