onetruephilosoraptor 7 points ago +12 / -5

Is this in retribution for U.S. not standing by Bibi Netanyahu with regards to the U.N. resolution calling for a ceasefire?

onetruephilosoraptor 23 points ago +24 / -1

Rabbi Shmuley has done as much to increase hatred towards Jews in the world as much as Anthony Fauci has done to destroy trust in all vaccines.

Congrats you piece of filth Shmuley.

Shmuley is a walking caricature of the worst traits of the worst Jews.

He is basically an amalgamation of every negative Jewish stereotype.

onetruephilosoraptor 30 points ago +32 / -2

Daily Jew fired her?

Not surprised.

Candace is still a grifter but I prefer her anyday vs Ben neocon Shapiro

onetruephilosoraptor -1 points ago +1 / -2

He was a decent President and possibly the best President in my lifetime if I only look at his tenure during 2017-2019. However I still have to take 2020 into account and his various disastrous mistakes in that year on handling COVID and BLM riots bring him down a lot in my overall evaluation of him.

He is a narcissist at his core and New York is his real home state even though he is residing in Florida now. He yearns to win it as a sign of acceptance.

It will never happen and he will have wasted precious resources that are limited on this fruitless endeavor.

I want Trump to win 2024 and I think this move of contesting New York is an unforced error.

onetruephilosoraptor 3 points ago +4 / -1

I also thought it was likely a joke but I said what I said in the unlikely case I was interacting with a boomer from Patriots.win who actually believes in that meme statement as a fact.

I have seen some people on Patriots.win actually claim with a straight face that this time Trump will win CA because of "the based Hispanics and based Blacks."

onetruephilosoraptor 3 points ago +6 / -3

New York is solid blue at the presidential level.

Trump lost New York by 23 fucking points in 2020 and more Republicans have left the state since then.

I have a better chance dating Sydney Sweeney than Trump has of winning New York.

onetruephilosoraptor 3 points ago +6 / -3

You know most NY Jews are Democrats right?

Only Orthodox Jews vote Republican in New York. They are about 25 percent while the other 75 percent of Jews vote for only Democrats.

The average New York Jew is more likely to stab him in the back than having his back.

onetruephilosoraptor 2 points ago +6 / -4

The only states that will be competitive are

Nevada, North Carolina, Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

It is a waste of limited resources to even try to contest fucking New York.

Zeldin ran a localized race and he still got the margin only down to 6 points against an unpopular governor.

I have a better chance of winning the fucking lottery than Trump has a chance of winning New York in Nov of 2024.

onetruephilosoraptor 54 points ago +56 / -2

How many Chinese or Russians are producers in Hollywood, CEOs of the top companies in every major industry in the West, heads of the major government bureaucracies in the west versus Jews?

That's your answer.

onetruephilosoraptor 55 points ago +57 / -2

TikTok allowed for the dissemination of pro Palestine content. The Jewish elites got mad about this and the ADL's Greenblatt said they had a Tiktok problem.

Then the golems of the Jewish elites, U.S. Congress jumped like dogs to quickly ban Tiktok.

It is so fucking obvious who has the most power in western society.

It is not White people. It is not the Chinese or Russians.

One would have to be braindead to not realize that the most powerful group in western society is Jewish globalist elites.

onetruephilosoraptor 34 points ago +36 / -2

Holy fuck this guy is based as hell.

He hits the nail on the head perfectly.

onetruephilosoraptor 4 points ago +5 / -1

What the hell is this strawman argument?

I never said anything close to shut down the campaign.

It has been reported that Kushner is active again in the Trump campaign.

That is bad news for us all.

onetruephilosoraptor 8 points ago +11 / -3

"His search has been assisted by not only top aides like Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, but also family members. Son-in-law Jared Kushner has recently increased his presence with the campaign, calling and texting to offer suggestions."

Why is subversive rat Jared Kushner back again?

This is a fucking disaster for any of us who want America first.

Kushner is an Israel first rat.

onetruephilosoraptor 6 points ago +10 / -4

Vivek has ties to China and is a shady pharma CEO, he is not fit for Homeland Security.

onetruephilosoraptor 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah he has that classic country sound while being a relatively young artist.

I know people who say they don't generally like country music but they like Morgan Wallen.

He is doing something right.

onetruephilosoraptor 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really like Morgan Wallen.

My favorite song from him is Chasin' you.

Something about this song really speaks to me.

onetruephilosoraptor 17 points ago +17 / -0

Yeah I would personally recommend everyone who values freedom get out of Canada as soon as they can but it is arrogant and unrealistic for me to expect everyone to uproot their lives and leave their home country so easily.

onetruephilosoraptor 1 point ago +5 / -4

Expediting vaccine development undermines vaccine safety.

That is the key problem with Operation Warpspeed.

The contract also allowed for complete liability shield protections for vaccine manufacturers.

It was a massive mistake he made and I will never stop saying this because my own relatives got vaccine injured.

I am still voting for Trump despite his massive mistake on OWS because Biden is the worst President of my lifetime.

So just relax with your baseless TDS accusations.

onetruephilosoraptor 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have seen the first three episodes and I think the show is pretty good.

Nothing I have seen that is actually woke bullshit.

The actors are excellent in their roles, the cinematography is on point and the story is very good.

I would say it is definitely worth a watch.

I give it a 9/10 for the first 3 episodes.

onetruephilosoraptor -1 points ago +9 / -10

Akira Toriyama's assistant says he had a brain tumor.

Could be that the poison COVID vax is responsible for that.

Operation Warp Speed truly was a huge mistake.


onetruephilosoraptor 2 points ago +2 / -0

I personally don't blame the Jews for everything.

There are plenty of decent Jewish individuals who are good people.

The fact remains that there are a lot of Jews in the highest levels of those who are working to destroy America.

Not every Jew is bad. A lot of elites are Jews. That is the point I am making.

Tucker's past is shady and when he does shit like this, I am more wary of him.

I also now think Sidney Powell is a grifter. She has never provided any evidence. My views on her have appropriately changed over time

onetruephilosoraptor -1 points ago +3 / -4

We still need to fill key positions at the RNC with good people.

You cannot just fire everyone at the RNC and call it a day. This is not a private company like Twitter.

Political committees do require many people to be at the helm.

We actually need the RNC to function well if Trump wants to win in Nov.

This shit really matters a lot.

onetruephilosoraptor 0 points ago +4 / -4

Tucker has recently interviewed sexual predator Kevin Spacey who was in character as Frank Underwood from the show House of Cards and he has given a softball interview to Andrew Tate.

Tucker has really been going off the rails recently.

Don't know why he is doing this.

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