Not bi-polar when it comes to what I think about him.
I think Trump is a deeply flawed and incompetent man.
I dislike how he failed us in 2020 with listening to Fauci and Birx and authorizing Operation Warpspeed, failing to crackdown on BLM riots and letting the left steal the election when he was a incumbent.
I didn't want Trump to be the nominee this year and I vehemently supported DeSantis as the nominee.
DeSantis got crushed and Trump became the nominee.
I despise Biden and his destructive policies so I hold my nose and will vote for Trump.
I will stop supporting Trump if he picks Haley as V.P.
Yes anonymous sources should be taken with a grain of salt.
The point is that if he picks Nikki Haley, I am staying home.
I will never vote for an establishment warpig on the ticket.
This is a red line for me.
I don't think you're a bad dude or anything but you are very bi-polar when it comes to Trump, and posting about Trump.
Not bi-polar when it comes to what I think about him.
I think Trump is a deeply flawed and incompetent man.
I dislike how he failed us in 2020 with listening to Fauci and Birx and authorizing Operation Warpspeed, failing to crackdown on BLM riots and letting the left steal the election when he was a incumbent.
I didn't want Trump to be the nominee this year and I vehemently supported DeSantis as the nominee.
DeSantis got crushed and Trump became the nominee.
I despise Biden and his destructive policies so I hold my nose and will vote for Trump.
I will stop supporting Trump if he picks Haley as V.P.
Antonymous sources should be discarded, frankly. Like as not it's entirely made up.