hermes_triphallus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Step 1) Induce guilt Step 2) Sell them a guilt-reducing "cure" Step 3) ??? Step 4) Profit

It's literally the Catholic Indulgences model for atheists.

hermes_triphallus 1 point ago +1 / -0

mind blowing that our soldiers are used as guinea pigs

Soldiers have always been used as guinea pigs. I mean, who better? They have already sold their lives to the government, dying during development of counter-bioweapons is as good as dying in the line of fire, right? It's the experimentation on nonconsenting civilians that has me fucked up (see: Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, MK Ultra, etc.)

hermes_triphallus 6 points ago +7 / -1

Secede from what? The problem is that our country has been divided along non-geographical boundaries, pitting neighbor against neighbor. At best you could possibly say it's a rural vs urban problem but it's really class warfare of the upper class pitting the lower class against the middle class to deflect the rage of both from themselves.

hermes_triphallus -3 points ago +2 / -5

"The War" as you put it was lost long ago, possibly during the 2000 election and W's manipulation of the electoral college, but possibly even earlier. If one truly believes that Republicans and Democrats are on different sides of the battle then one is playing directly into their puppetshow. Every administration that has been in power my entire life has expanded neoliberal globalist interests at the expense of American blood. Trump wasn't actually For The People either, he was at best controlled opposition who merely placated the conservative base while selling off American interests and expanding the powers of the deep state.

hermes_triphallus 8 points ago +8 / -0

You do realize you would be the migrant in this situation?