frontier64 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's two forms of cherry picking at play here. The first is the insidious anti-white censorship that goes on every day. Moderators and youtube censors ban posts that show black people being black people.

What's also happening though is that it's just boring when a black person acts out in public. They do it all the time. They scream at their court appearances and jump out of their chair and nobody thinks to take out their phone and film because it's just normal and boring. People know subconsciously that's how niggers behave.

frontier64 10 points ago +14 / -4

Who do you think you fool with your insane nonsense, tranny?

frontier64 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if I am a woman? I'm not trying to hide it lol.

frontier64 0 points ago +1 / -1

Simple woman hating is not a sane position. Are you gay? Have you ever interacted with a woman? Do you understand that nobody is going to take you seriously if your position boils down to: "Woman are bad and anything a woman is majorly involved in is bad."

frontier64 2 points ago +3 / -1

Apply to jobs and apply for a religious exemption once you're there. Really not hard to get one dude. While you're applying you can check to see if they mention exemptions on their site. Some places do, some don't in my experience. Any other advice is troll.

edit: didn't realize that you're already vaccinated. I don't have any advice then mb.