Bud lol. It's not that difficult to wrap your head around.
You're the only one saying this interview is real. It's the equivalent of "my dad works for nintendo and I play all the secret games." All I'm doing is asking if there is any other source for what you're saying. I'm not just gonna take you at your word.
I mean yeah that's basically what I'm insinuating. I don't know you, I don't know how much credo you have in saying this video is real. You can say you've watched it but for all I know you could be misremembering or making it up or maybe saw an AI generated interview.
I'd just like to see if your quote can be found anywhere else
You taught your children that it was okay to hate your family to the point that they politicize their personal grievance into an ideology that demands the murder of your entire family
No ideology demands the murder of families lol
Nope, that’s not what I’m saying. So the rest of your comment is kind of moot.
I’m saying that it’s quite within the realm of possibility that race had nothing to do with why you weren’t awarded an opportunity, and getting angry about missing out and speculating reasons out of your control is only holding you back
…what? What’s this 20% figure coming from? I’m not sure what that first bit was trying to convey.
I’m saying that you might be denied opportunities not because of your race, but for other reasons. Maybe you’re less qualified, maybe someone else is more charming, you don’t know for sure what happened behind the doors of your last interview.
Fact is you’re not going to be given everything you ask for, and sometimes you’ll be passed up for legit reasons, and sometimes it’ll be less fair. No sense speculating on what you don’t know, keep your chin up, and move on. Rejection is part of life dude
That's one way to cope with it I guess. You can also just move on and take new opportunities in stride.
It's one thing to not get everything you want because of bad luck of lack of skills and it is another thing to be denied this because you are white.
Well it depends on if that's actually why you don't have any opportunities. Plenty of other white people don't have problems.
Seeing other people getting opportunities that are being denied to you while also being called a racist does tend to give you a fuck off attitude.
Well...okay, but people getting opportunities that are being denied to you is a part of life. You don't get everything you want.
Kind of a far cry from your comment. You have one instance of people trying to get into an empty, inoperable boat (as the drivers were in a truck taking shelter), not hijacked.
Oh, and they bitched about wypipo not rescuing them after stealing their boats
Where is this part?
Aw cute now she’s making assumptions about me because she’s so butthurt 🥰
You also told me the jpeg wasn’t accurate, hence the graph not being to scale. That’s also why it’s harder to understand.
You’re out of your element here. Take the L and stop crying so much.
smarter than you, yes. I know