"Permit" = police protection, often misinterpreted as government permission. Truth is the police in Sweden lacks resources to handle anything big like riots and similar. That said, he did get permission to burn the Bible at a different location (Sergels torg, far away from any church and with very few Christians). But he rejected it because he want to burn them both on the same day.
It's not how it works in real life, as the government can't stop you if you show up and protest anyway. The jews may be cheering now because they don't understand how the system works. These "permits" is simply a request for police protection, which can be useful if you're gonna hold a controversial protest.
The only reason the police would reject such request is because they don't have enough resources. jEws will not cause the same type of riots as the muslims themselves, they just don't have the numbers for it in Sweden. But they do own all the fake news media (((Bonnier))) and they do have plenty of useful idiots and worldwide influence.
The economy of Sweden depends a lot on export so a jewish boycott enforced on the whole (((central bank controlled world))) would be a complete disaster for Sweden. The government play it safe here. Rest assured tho, the guy will eventually show up and burn their pedophile book. There will be a tone of kvetching, and as usual the police won't have enough resources to do anything about it.
Swedes are based enough to walk straight into the ghetto only to burn the Quran right in front of them goat fuckers. They get so shocked so they won't even dare to do anything there and then, nobody mess with the vikings. They only riot later in more wealthy libtard neighborhoods.
The cost of living doesn't include rent, it includes food, amenities, and travel.
You believe those few things cost $2000/mo in EU, now that's retarded.
Where did I claim that a fast food worker is making $70k?
You just did in your example, it's also in OP's post. Do the math yourself, it's all bullshit and the math is wrong.
Looking up on numbeo and the average cost of living in Finland is $850 eur per person. And the average rent is $1000 (3 bedrooms) Outside of Centre.
Read that again a few times, I'll let you figure out what's wrong. Hint: living cost include all the essentials, rent/loan, utilities, groceries and transportation.
OP's meme claim a living cost of almost $2000/mo in EU while the US monthly living cost would be $666. So tell me, where in the US can you survive on only $666/mo.
Those are national averages.
And yet you compare the most expensive metrics in Europe with the lowest wages in Europe.
You can also find a place in the US where $500 gets you a house
No doubt about it, there are many really poor areas in the US where you don't even have utilities and basically rent a trailer in the middle of nowhere. You think the people who live there make anything near $100k yearly? That's what the meme claims, keep dreaming.
Now you're doing it again, but with wages instead of grocery prices. You're not making $70 000/year net in the US by working for McDonalds, that's just bullshit.
Where in scandinavia are you paying $500/m for a house?
Anywhere outside the capital cities. Smaller cities are usually cheaper. If you gonna compare Helsinki, capital of Finland and Finland's largest city then you'll have to compare to New York or Los Angeles which is many many times more expensive.
I'm not rich, but I still own a couple of houses with no debt, good luck doing that in America.
That's irrelevant to the point.
It's very relevant because all of EU includes VAT, while the US does not. You're comparing the final gross price with your net price. Don't they teach you in school how taxes work?
You got it wrong, part of those "muh 50%" is the included capital gains tax. You only pay that if you make more than around $60 000 yearly. Anything lower means lower tax.
This is why people don't work longer than 40 hour weeks in the Nordic countries, because there's no gain in that. I know because I live there. For most workers your income tax is 25-35% depending on country, county and municipality.
Just googling average rent in some Scandinavian cities, and it's in the order of $1k for two bedroom apartments, never mind a home.
$1k for a two bedroom apartment? the hell did you look? a 5 star hotel with room service and all inclusive? I paid $300/mo for a two bedroom apartment. $500/mo gets you a house. Assuming you choose to rent. But that's retarded since owning is just as cheap.
Some brand new apartments could cost more, but that's also retarded because why would you wanna live in a apartment where just 3m from your window is the next building and surrounded by libtards? Commie blocks are much nicer inside and has plenty of space between them full of parks with big trees.
Checking on price comparison cites, groceries in Finland is more just 20% less expensive than somewhere like LA.
All prices in Scandinavia includes 25% VAT, remove that for comparison.
EU Sales Tax? Doesn't VAT replace sales tax?
Exactly, they are the same. They also only apply to individuals, not businesses. Consider it a anti consumerist tax which is higher on stuff like alcohol but lower on essential things like groceries. VAT also does not apply on rent or utilities.
The income tax numbers seem fucked up too.
They are fucked up in Finland too, nowhere in the Nordic countries do you pay 50% income tax. That's complete bullshit. Every country has 0% income tax up to a certain level. Sweden are the biggest assholes here allowing you to earn only $2000/yr tax free, Norway allow you to earn up to $50 000 tax free per year.
The next rate of income tax is municipality and county tax, this obviously varies between municipality and county. But is usually around 30%. This covers tax funded education, tax funded, healthcare, mass transit, social security, public parks and all of that stuff.
Once you earn more than $60 000/year you start to pay capital gains tax to the national government. All this means in reality is basically that if you plan to make a shitload of money, just become a consultant and you don't have to pay these taxes. Or it means that you limit your work hours to 40hr/weeks, because why would you work more if you don't get paid more.
Below $60 000/yr will get you very far in the Nordic countries. If you own a big house with two cars in a double garage your utility bills for that is likely no more than $500/mo. Healthy eco groceries and other essentials for a family of 4 is around $500/mo. The rest you can spend on luxuries.
This rabbi just hates Finland for some reason.
The EU knew it was there.
How would they know that? Of course Sweden is very rich in natural resources, but not all deposits are known and even fewer are extracted.
The push for electric cars was formulated at the same time.
The push for EV's, wind turbines and other crap from the green agenda started many years ago. The US used to have it's own lithium mine in Comiefornia, but it has been closed down for a couple of decades now due to "lack of profit". Yet lithium demand is spiking right now, not just for EV's but batteries in general and most countries import that from China.
Sweden is economically weak.
Not at all, it's one of the worlds richest countries. Much richer than the US and from real industries like mining and not pumped tech companies with fake overvaluation. Only problem is much of the money is wasted on bullshit, corruption, foreign aid, welfare parasites and other crap.
Sweden also kicked out the feminist party allover the country, only in Stockholm they still have just over 4% voter support which is far from enough to have any say in anything.
Their only achievements in the past with support from both left and right locally in Stockholm was "feminist plowing" which caused huge traffic jams allover Stockholm soon as the first snow came. Then they changed the definition of rape, so now every type sexual crime is rape, including harassment or stuff you wouldn't even get fined for in other countries.
Bail out? they where kicked out a few months ago. All profit from this operation will benefit the people of Sweden with lower taxes. They might as well copy the Norwegian model which has been a huge success, a much better welfare system than Sweden, and tax free income up to $50 000/yearly, which is more than enough to live a decent life in Norway.
No need for shoe polish, just use some dynamite and make sure to vanish before anyone sees you.
You can buy up to 4kg no questions asked.
There has been plenty of resistance, unfortunately the bankers and the communists won all the recent wars, further enslaving the people.
In theory it's not hard to reclaim our freedom, we just need to do it all at once and through our own initiative instead of relying on a government to do it for us. Because a government and a country can be invaded by the bankers useful idiots.
What we do is to abandon fiat currency. Metals, crypto and other convenient stuff can be used as medium of exchange and store of value. However, all transactions would have to be through bartering.
This will initially be a huge limitation as we can no longer buy stuff from big box stores only accepting digital fiat. Expect to live on raw eggs from your own chickens, potato, carrots and whatever animals you can shoot in the forest.
Doubt, workers are the only ones not getting a raise this year. Pensions and free gibs for welfare parasites are all adjusted for inflation, taxes too but not salaries. Living costs will increase by over 20% by the start of next year via automatic increase defined by the former leftist government.
If nothing is done in just a few weeks it will flip the laffer curve and cause a massive collapse of society and all the workers goes out on strike. Because what else to do when you can't afford to live by working.
Or remove the import ban on Scania V8 trucks, that was a real faggot move.
Chicken, boar, deer, moose and fish. EU can go REEEE all they want, if they try to stop me I shoot them too. 🦅🦅🦅
You don't need to ask, you can show up at any time, anywhere and protest all you want. A lot of people do that all the time. You just don't have police protection unless you request it it advance.
This is because of limited police resources, not because they can chose what speech to approve or not. It also works both ways, if they where trying to limit your speech they wouldn't have enough resources to arrest you anyway.