WhateverHonestly 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, I did not mean I thought you were being harsh.

WhateverHonestly 3 points ago +5 / -2

What no one here is thinking about is the fact this is going to give western producers an "excuse" to load their games up with even more DRM and internet-dependent content. You know, to try to keep those damn Ruskies from stealing!

They'll punish us for this, one way or another.

WhateverHonestly 10 points ago +10 / -0

Unfortunately it doesn't "mean nothing" when they commit to these ideas enough to emulate their behaviors. How many people, youths especially, do you think have given into pressure and started "acting gay" or adopting trans flag colors, SJW ideas, etc, just to not be outcast? I agree that the amount of people who are authentically faggots is definitely lower than what we're seeing, but that's the whole point of their operation - they're molding and forcing normal people into faggotry behavior. I do hope as time goes on more people start to see it for what it is. It sounds fucked up, but I've lost so much hope in the narrative changing or getting corrected that at this point I'm just hoping more people become aware of the falsehoods and propaganda promoted by our MSM - similar to how countries like Russia/China/NK just "know" all their shit is pozzed.

WhateverHonestly 11 points ago +11 / -0

LGBT used to be less than 5% in the US only about 15 years ago.

If we're truly up to 30% (which in some demographics, like younger people, I'd absolutely believe) then we really are fucked up.

WhateverHonestly 14 points ago +15 / -1

The funniest part, is this very community (KIA2) is just as bad. 16 fucking rules, lmfao:

TWO: Do not engage in speech that promotes, advocates, glorifies, or endorses violence.

THREE: Do not threaten, harass, defame, or bully users.

FOUR: Do not post involuntary Salacious Material.

FOUR: Do not post involuntary Salacious Material.

SIXTEEN: Do not attack entire identity groups as inferior or conspiring.