TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +2 / -10

Surely, in a woman, the level of testosterone would be so low that fluctuations would be barely noticeable. Using T is supposed to bring their levels to that of a male, that should be easy to test for, it's a massive anomaly.

TheImpossible1 -6 points ago +2 / -8

I am a taller person, can confirm. But when this is the result, maybe we should just shut women's "instincts" up.

TheImpossible1 -7 points ago +5 / -12

The excuse for not releasing the manifesto is that people will be motivated to do things by reading it.

A toxicology report is just a statement of fact. The fact that there isn't one when the person's identity is so key to determining motive is a huge red flag. They sealed away Maya McKinney's medical records last year as well.

There's something not right. When the shooter is male, we have their entire Internet history and their list of medications by the second day.

TheImpossible1 -11 points ago +6 / -17

They don't care if they make sense, because they'll say anything, even contradicting themselves in the same sentence, if they think it might get a single person to submit to evil.

Just like the feminists who spawned their movement.

TheImpossible1 -14 points ago +1 / -15

I think it reveals she's a female supremacist.

That's why no toxicology report - no T in her system. Female killer. Killed "traitor women" as said in radical feminist communities.

TheImpossible1 -15 points ago +2 / -17

Ironically, that BS was the first example of the now common feminist bait and switch tactics in entertainment.

TheImpossible1 -12 points ago +1 / -13

Only Nintendo product I own, except the never-opened Switch from my Reddit story, is a Wii. I liked the gimmick. Still works, but I don't use it much. I had the two Wii sports games and that's it.

That BS was the first example of the now common feminist bait and switch tactics in entertainment.

TheImpossible1 -19 points ago +1 / -20

tfw people actually enjoy women's high-pitched, screechy, annoying voices in video games

TheImpossible1 -14 points ago +2 / -16

Ah yes, the totally organic TERF movement, that went from barely noticeable variant of feminist tumor to right-wing darling since Trump had the election stolen from him.

TheImpossible1 -16 points ago +2 / -18

Don't care, the less things with female leads, the more that trend will start to die.

TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +2 / -7

It's not instead of developing a personality. It's instead of society shaming women down before their egos crush us all.

TheImpossible1 0 points ago +8 / -8

Women who are abusing them into wanting it don't care, the doctors don't care, SoFi Technologies doesn't care.

TheImpossible1 6 points ago +12 / -6

in school, teachers

80-90% female profession

Yeah, comes with the territory.

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +7 / -15

Signal is owned by Jack Dorsey, so...I'm calling BS. Also, WhatsApp is Meta Platforms, double BS on this one.

TheImpossible1 -14 points ago +2 / -16

I just want them to stop shitting up the place. Their entire existence is a massive circlejerk.

TheImpossible1 -25 points ago +2 / -27

Good, another woman-led franchise put to the sword. This is how we win.

TheImpossible1 2 points ago +10 / -8

Archive Link

Shorter men “routinely get spoken down to just because of this trait that they can’t control,” Alex said. So last January, he got a leg-lengthening surgery to increase his height to 5’10".

“My goal was never to be tall. It’s to be in a place where no one comments on my height,” Alex said.

And most of those comments come from 5'2 or lower worse halves who couldn't do something useful for humanity if they had Nikola Tesla's brain and Bill Gates' money.

You should have saved your money and just reminded them that when your weight starts with a 2, you should probably not talk shit.

But hey, let's care about when the hellspawn want to cut their breasts off and regret it.

They call that procedure "barbaric", so what would they call this?

The $75,000, four-hour surgery, which is not generally covered by insurance, involves cutting the thigh bones in each leg and inserting a rod inside them. Then over the next three to four months, the rods are lengthened by up to 1 millimeter (0.04 inches) per day, via an external remote control. New bone grows over the rods.

Oh, right. I forgot. They don't care. Making people feel like they need to irreparably change their bodies, with many complications, only matters when women say it does.

TheImpossible1 -3 points ago +3 / -6

FRC reports today, with a report that will make or break the banking sector.

TheImpossible1 -10 points ago +5 / -15

This is the first argument about why other genocides are ignored that doesn't devolve into "Holohoax lol".

It actually makes sense. The establishment wouldn't want the UN to be exposed as a useless waste of taxpayer dollars.

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