People conquering other people is human history. I mean Mongolians conquered half the planet, . Some people just used religion as their excuse. Im not defending islam but i do think the extra brutality of this video is really more a mix of race and religion then simply just religion.
Also ISIS is a bad example to bring up considering they once apologized to israel for attacking them so im pretty sure they are an israeli psyop.
Is it religion or race? Would a White muslim country be like this? i cant imagine White people could ever be like this regardless of religion. And this stuff happens less in Middle Eastern countries(for example some of the oldest Christian Churches in Gaza has survived thousands of years under muslim rule until israel blew it up ) and it doesnt really happen so much in south east asian muslim countries either. . Which leads me to believe what's happening here is really a bad mix of black people and muslim. And we already know black people tend to be more violent so mix that with muslim and you get this
that is because he is a pedo
Lucas Gage literally got banned a few days ago for 3 months for posting fire extinguisher emojis
all i hear is kvetching and more kvetching from you . Might i suggest this book for you?
Adam Lanza is jewish
Im pretty damn sure i read somewhere that Elliot Rodger's dad was jewish. Forgot where though....
Another article says Jared Loughner's acquaintance said he had a jewish mother
anyways i think the issue is that a jew can be a mass shooter and the media will report him as White and not jewish
Edit: well I still dont know if he's jewish or not but apparently Elliot Rodger's grandfather was a renowned holocaust era photographer. Take that as you will
i take it you've never heard of the Lavon Affair or the Dancing israelis?
Oh and many mass shootings that get blamed on White people are actually jews.
Check out what this jewish rabbi said. He wants White Christians and Muslims to wipe each other out because if they ever work together it will be bad for jews.
The last time White Christians and muslims worked together was Hitler's time
Say or suggest anything about israel controlling or manipulating things and Imp comes crying in to whine and kvetch .
. Say anything about anyone else and imp is awfully quiet. I see him on the Donald too. He only pops up to bitch about "stormfags" when it comes to topics about israel. Where is he when people talk about China and claim China manipulates the West? where is he when people claim iran is manipulating the West? ? Suddenly Imp is no where to be seen.
well your opinions on Hitler is your issue
We're talking about whether Lucas is a grifter or not and im telling you he's not. Because if he was , he would stay on the safe side and he wouldnt post things from Hitler who the mainstream condemns as "le ultimate evil". And he doesnt ask people for money and he puts himself at risk to expose jewish supremacists
And if you dont believe in his opinions.... again thats your problem. But people are not grifters just because you dont like their opinions. And most of the time he's just posting stuff that jews themselves post. Exposing what they say and do. Why does that upset you?
When Soros starts exposing jewish power and jews being overrepresented in American politics, media and banking , then i'll accept him as a "self hating jew". until then he's just the same as the rest of them
in the meantime the only jews i grant the honor of being "self hating jews" is Bobby Fisher, Brother Nathanael, and Emil Maurice .
They dont attack israel. they apologize when they accidentally did. And they are funded by the middle eastern country that is the most friendly to israel in the middle east. Saudi arabia is the friendliest to israel out of all middle eastern countries.