I finally finished Mayans MC (spin-off of Sons of Anarchy) and in the second to last episode the main character has an accident and Jax Teller’s ex is the one to give him a ride to get help. In the car she says that men have it so easy because they can beat their chests and act like kids well into adulthood but women are the ones who really have it rough. Of course the main character offered no pushback. But hey I’m sure all the construction workers, miners, sewer workers, military, police, first responders, firefighters, farmers, etc. can rest easy knowing they have it easy.


If you haven’t already. He is a YouTuber who is doing an animated adaptation chapter by chapter and eventually will do the whole trilogy. Very good considering he can’t get paid. If Disney were smart they would’ve allowed third parties do do stuff in the EU that they discarded. Definitely a lesson there about not crapping on a loyal group of fans. I know Zahn is still writing about Thrawn but I kinda hate how he went to Disney.

It is funny to see Disney Star Wars trolls in the comments because some of them seem to despise the EU and can’t just let people enjoy it. Anyway, check it out please when you get a chance.


Amongst other things. Just find it irritating how they have the nerve to call us out on these things while they have a meltdown because I say men can’t be women, or I was called a white supremacist for saying the little mermaid casting was stupid. But we are the ones who overreact. Az can be over the top at times but I can understand that annoyance of the catering to a tiny delusional percentage of the population.


I’ll probably get it around thanksgiving. I was watching the HeelzvsBabyface livestream that got so much attention. I avoided arguing with the trolls in his comment section otherwise I’d still be on there with the people who said everyone has pronouns or that pronouns are welcoming.

I know some say to just roll your eyes and continue but this acknowledgment of a tiny percentage of delusional people is beyond idiotic.

I’ve also heard that they really hammer THE MESSAGE and there is the usual “representation”

I feel kinda bad because I know there are female gamers and I have some nieces who play games (granted they are games you would expect girls to play) but this almost decade long push for more women in gaming is beyond annoying. As well as the “everything has to appeal to everyone” marketing idea.

Like I said I’ll probably buy it around thanksgiving and there will be cool mods I’d imagine. I’m still playing heavily modded Skyrim and can’t wait for the oblivion mod.

Next up is Elder Scrolls 6


I keep betting notifications and emails from them about the show. I know it is something else I need to let go, but it still annoys me how someone can butcher source material like that. I guess since I bought all the books from Amazon they assumed I'd be interested in the show, and if this was early 2000s or prior then yes I would be interested in an adaptation of a book series I enjoyed. If there was ever a nerd court I would put that showrunner on trial. He actually said we want to bring out lgbt content where it is only hinted at as well as the fact that he is a feminist. I would've countered with if the author didn't have much gay stuff in the books maybe it wasn't a priority for him.

I remember I used to get on the WOT subreddit when I was reading the books and had good discussions, then the cast photos came out and I was hoping people would call it out for the obvious "modern day casting", but they didn't and the ones who did say they looked nothing like the book described got the usual attacks.

My parents started watching it and they stopped. My dad will say a show "went gay on him" and stops watching. I used to think he was going overboard but I have pretty much reached that point with anything after 2014 especially with black/female/lgbt stuff since they just keep going on and on about it. I need a trusted recommendation or the one person I'll give a pass to is Denzel since he is one of my all time favorite actors.

Anyway, I really hope Wheel of Time gets cancelled. I would also love to see people refuse to sell the rights of a book/book series to these mega corporations. I fear that what they did to WOT is only child's play compared to what Netflix will do to the Narnia series. Thank goodness they lost the rights to Conan.


Just a question I wanted to ask since I was playing Sword Art Online on my PS4 the other day.


I have a very liberal co-worker and we get along (we never discuss politics) and she went on a rant about about trans rights and the ban on the transing of children in Texas and gave the usual screed about old white men and then she kept going on about how she couldn't believe anyone would be stupid enough to vote for Gov. Abbott. That was when I told her that I had voted for him and she was shocked and said she thought I was more progressive. I then asked her if a kid can tell you that he/she is the opposite sex and we have to take that as the gospel truth, then why can't a 10 year old tell me that he wants beer for him and his friends at his birthday party because he is mature enough to make such a decision. Heck, why have any restrictions for kids?

She told me it wasn't the same thing and walked away. I remember about 20 years ago someone told me that the end game for the lgbt activists (not the ones who truly want to be left alone of course) was pedophilia and I told him that he was being paranoid. Now, I fear that the day is common with the mainstream media will openly defend pedophilia once they can "normalize" a kid changing their sex.


If you could fire one showrunner of any book/game adaption or remake/"reimagining" that has been done since 2016 who would it be?

Very tough choice for me, but I think I would fire the showrunner for Wheel of Time. I'd love to tell him to his face that I wanted someone to actually adapt the book and to not inject their personal garbage. The guy actually said that he wanted to bring out lgbt stuff that the book only hints at or doesn't go into detail about, but when the book specifically describes how people look, that doesn't seem to matter. Or the whole Dragon Reborn prophecy doesn't seem to matter amongst other things. You could've have had such a popular show with someone who actually cared about adapting the books.

I guess an honorable mention would be to fire in advance the lady who is doing the Chronicles of Narnia butchering.... I mean adaptation for Netflix, but there are so many I could pick.


I know Infowars predicted they will try to really push the fear porn next month. I’m seeing some chatter about a new variant. I’d like to think people won’t give into hysteria but I doubt that is possible.


I didn’t realize Vudu has free content so I downloaded it and started watching Alphas. Meant to watch when it was on Sci-Fi but was busy with other things. Is it good? I heard it ends on a huge cliffhanger


Every time I go to the grocery store I pass by the book section on the way to the register and they always have those romance novels with muscular men on the covers. Nothing wrong with that since those are made to appeal to women, but I can't help but be a little annoyed sometimes because appealing to men in any way causes wailing and gnashing of teeth from the usual suspects and corporations are dumb enough to listen to them.

It would make for a good silly movie to have a man take over some romance novel publisher or a network that produces romance movies and completely changes them or subverts expectations a la Stranger Things season 3 where the couple seems to be headed for romance but the guy reveals he is gay at the end (one of the dumbest things I've seen in the woke era since they admitted the original plan in that season was for those two to get together) or they just turn the romance company into an action adventure/spy thriller company and then when the fans get upset, they call them all sorts of names.

Another thing would be to use out of shape men with beer guts and lecture the women about the female gaze and how evil they are to want to see an attractive man.

Yes, that is petty but I guess I just find it annoying that marketing to women is encouraged but marketing to men's tastes is somehow evil nowadays.


Just a simple question. I heard that HBO has let GRRM go due to the strike and according to him, he has written 75% of the book. If I was his publisher I’d be so annoyed with him. Had he finished the series prior to the end of the show it would’ve made a ton of money. At this point I’d try to convince him to let someone else finish it.

Anyway what is a game that we will most likely never see? I’ve heard Half Life and I want to say Elder Scrolls 6 but they insist that will be out


So I live in north Texas and my older brother and his family live in norther Virgina/DC area so I only get to see him and his kids like once every two years. Apparently his two oldest daughters (one is going to be a freshman and the other a sophomore) are really into Anime and want to buy manga. With anything the slightest bit in the "nerd sphere" he always tells them to contact me, and so they texted me and asked me all about different anime and what I would suggest.

So I know what I will be sending them this Christmas. I love how unlike western entertainment Anime/Manga understands who their audience is and caters to it, so what would be ideal for a teen girl? I know the older one enjoys Attack on Titan and said she likes stuff with romance and the other one loves Vinland Saga and I told her about Ah My Goddess, and she seems to like that one so far.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, and thank you in advance.


I love the show but considering the time we live in I have very low expectations. I’ll give it a chance though.


I ask this because the other day my oldest brother who is a total normie (plus in his teen years he was busy with one lady after the next while in my teen years I was researching UFO cases, reading sci-fi and buying classic rock and RnB records) was telling me about The Boys and was shocked that I wasn't watching it. I told him that I have some of the comic book and they are fine but that at this point I am just so sick of deconstruction or subversion.

I have the the Watchmen comic by Alan Moore and his life views aside it is a great comic. The only problem is that it spawned to this day so many "what if super heroes were bad" or "dark and gritty side of super heroes" stories. My two worst cases of these modern trends are the Last Jedi because I think Rian Johnson is a typical hollywood douchebag who thinks you aren't smart if you don't appreciate his movies and I question his motivations because I don't think he would give a beloved female character the "Luke treatment". Another example would be Ayra killing the Night King in Game of Thrones because while I enjoy her character in the books I can't help but think that their motivation was girl power and to say "well everyone expected Jon to fight the Night King" is a terrible reason to not do it.

Some good examples off the top of my head are Yoda in Empire Strikes back because it was an interesting surprise to see a little green guy after hearing about a great warrior/Jedi master, but there was a lesson there. Also, in the first Ice and Fire book or Game of Thrones season 1 I didn't see Ned Stark being executed because I thought he would be the main character throughout. Granted there is a pretty sad lesson there about the consequences of doing the right thing and being honest.

What are your examples?


I was at the used book store recently and saw a number of his books in the sci-fi section. They had a lot of Battlefield Earth copies which I saw at the dollar theater when I was in the Air Force and felt a dollar was too much, but to be fair a book shouldn’t be judged on it’s adaptation (Wheel of Time for instance). It’s just that with his books I can’t get past the whole Scientology things.

Just out of pure curiosity I do want to read Dianetics one day because that commercial was on a lot when I was a little kid. I want to see what all the fuss was about.


Sorry for the dumb question but I noticed I will be able to buy Starfield on Steam which is great because I was about to sign up for Xbox gamepass. I thought Starfield is an exclusive, so how come you can get it on steam?


Working from home most days allows me to listen to a lot of podcasts/youtube while I work and I came across Chris Gore's Critic Court and the first one they put on trial is Disney Star Wars. I'm biased of course and despise Disney Star Wars so it was fun to listen to it. The prosecution and defense members are pretty funny although for the most part the ones defending Disney remind me of pro wrestling heel that is playing a role except for one guy who was in the entertainment industry for 30 years parroting the Disney shills by talking about toxic fandom and Ryan Kinel showed him a sample of the death threats he receives.

As a massive EU fan my favorite part was over getting rid of the EU. In hindsight, seeing what Disney is all about I'm glad they don't use it, or I wish they wouldn't use it at all because they seem to cherry pick and bastardize. I wouldn't be surprised if the Ashoka show is a bastardization of Heir to the Empire or if the Rey movie had a big bad like the Vong. Too bad they can't just give the EU to fans and let them produce books/movies/video games. Darth Angelus for instance is doing a great job adapting Heir to the Empire considering that he can't make money and is just doing it for fun.

Anyway, check it out if you get a chance. Very funny and very good.


I was listening to Midnight’s Edge and he was going over the history of the proposed King Conan movie that never happened as well as the show that the stupid lady at Amazon rejected for being “too masculine”. Apparently the guy that would’ve been in charge would’ve been the same guy that was in charge of the He-Man animated series. You know the self professed fan who butchered the story. So the guy that has the Conan license decided not to work with Netflix.

Honestly this is a slam dunk. If HBO was smart they would do a Conan series with a hyper masculine lead,sex/nudity, and violence. It could be a hit for someone who accepts that pandering to “the modern audience” is a worthless endeavor


I ask because last weekend I found a bunch of Louis L’Amor books for a quarter a piece because the couple was moving so they just wanted to get rid of a lot. Also, found the Lonesome Dove book (may be multiple stories in one because it’s very thick).


One of my many nerd groups I’m is is one for pre-Disney Star Wars fans which is mainly an EU group and we were talking about how all these shill sites have so many good things to say about the EU now when I can remember them talking about how bad it was when Disney took over. Honestly that was my first awareness of the shill media because nerd sites who were pretty positive about the EU all of a sudden started crapping on it once Disney got rid of it.

Some of the guys see this as a positive sign but I guess I’m cynical because I think they just realize that the sequels and a lot of Disney Star Wars isn’t as popular as they want us to believe. Plus I hear the OT toys still sell pretty well.

So what do y’all think? Is this a positive sign or am I right to be cynical?

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