ScutFarkus -49 points ago +2 / -51

waaahhhhhhh I don’t like change!

Life will only get harder for you from here, perpetual victim.

ScutFarkus -7 points ago +1 / -8

Haahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Kyles so fucking fucked! They have him dead to rights on infrared camera firing the first shot before the crowd started chasing him. He wasn’t retaliating either as his muzzle flash was the first and only captured in IR. He’s done, the right will take another gigantic L and continue to be steamrolled by the rest of the world. Conservatism dies with a whimper, not a bang.

ScutFarkus -8 points ago +1 / -9

Kind of like if you’re in a crowd storming the capitol and you don’t leave when they break barricades, beat the shit out of cops, chant “hang Mike Pence”, break windows and enter the building, you’re an insurrectionist.

ScutFarkus -9 points ago +1 / -10

I see you’re already setting the table with excuses. Not very confident, are you. You shouldn’t be. To your credit, that at least shows some level of intelligence.

ScutFarkus -7 points ago +1 / -8

I see.

How come rule 16 doesn’t apply to the left, democrats, libtards, “trannies”, gays or any other group that isn’t decidedly on the right?

ScutFarkus 1 point ago +2 / -1

Zeitgeist, zeitgeist: addendum and zeitgeist: moving forward are all movies that I have nostalgia for, as they were integral in my questioning of reality.

I knew there was more common ground in there if we just dug a little deeper.

ScutFarkus 1 point ago +2 / -1

That could just be nostalgia but I must admit, there is a recent explosion of over representation of minority groups in our media. Some believe this to be a nefarious plan to brainwash us into all being gay/trans/....black? I believe it to be nothing more than current, popular marketing and pandering. After all, liberalism is the majority in America. Does that make it bad, evil or wrong? I don’t think so, but I’ll be the first to admit that is opinion and not fact. But because of hyper polarization, it’s near impossible to have these kinds of conversations. The extremes represent both sides in the media. Fox would have all of their viewers believe that anyone who voted for Biden is a blue haired, soy drinking, child transitioning, CRT teaching, vax stabbing NPC, while the left’s media would have their viewers equally shitty things about the entire right. Where in reality, most people aren’t polar extremes, and there is a lot we could agree on.

ScutFarkus -13 points ago +1 / -14

It seems you’re already hard at work discrediting sources I haven’t even provided yet. I’m patient. I will be here when the gavel drops and Kyle is sentenced. Will you, u/APDSmith ?

ScutFarkus 0 points ago +1 / -1

Again, you seem pretty reasonable. I’d wager there is probably a lot we could agree on. Not voting for Hillary in 16 would be a start.

One of the problems is a LOT of people here don’t want to find common ground. They’re angry at everyone else but refuse to look in the mirror (I’m looking at you, MGTOW.) They have decided that if you aren’t exactly like them, you’re the enemy. They want to watch the world burn because their life experience has been less than ideal.

On top of that, you have people pretending to be American, spreading lies and propaganda in an effort to further the divide in America, and have it tear itself apart. It is working.

I’m pro 2a and freedom of speech, so I don’t think banning information, websites or ideas is the way to go. That said, this place is especially toxic, and in reality, I don’t see anything truly positive coming from it.

ScutFarkus -4 points ago +1 / -5

Since you seem remotely reasonable and are taking the time to engage in at least an outwardly genuine fashion, I’ll do the same. I like having a front row seat to the right’s destruction. They (you?) have created a near hermetically sealed right wing echo chamber here. And one of the main differences between the right and the left is the left could live just fine without the right. Whereas the right needs the left. Don’t believe me? Take a step back and look at all the infighting that’s beginning to happen here without representation from the left to attack. There are vile, cancerous .wins aggressively attacking other forums here. Like conpro vs TD. Or conspiracies vs GA. Angry self loathing people manage to find their way to the right in America. You may not personally be a piece of shit. And the fact that you haven’t called me a tranny, nigger or faggot yet supports that. But the pieces of shit who hate others all manage to find their way to the right, then subsequently to this website. And it is flat out fascinating. On top of that, the right is a misinformation propaganda machine, and I like having an up close look at exactly where the bullshit gets manufactured. Some of it gets made here. The majority gets manufactured on the chans, but this place is often the second stop for those “ideas.” Ideally I’d like to talk sense into people but I can only meet people where they’re at, and the vast majority of the time, people aren’t looking to be challenged here. They just want their own bias confirmed.

ScutFarkus -6 points ago +1 / -7

No, they’re holding parades to prove how “straight” they are, which is unironically the gayest shit ever. The right is nothing more than a bunch of self loathing closet homosexuals in denial. Simple as.

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