Socialist scumbags who hates a demographic, complains that the other demographic hates them and blames them for everything, and then they, in turn does the same thing and blame that demographic they hate.
Aahhh I didn't downvotes that one. Nice catch.
And I already used that argument here, multiple times, months ago.
Try again pot.
I know. Their mental state is of a teen though. That was my point. These idiots are retarded.
You look worse.
It is unfortunate, but we do have an infestation of these inbred losers here. You can try debating with them in good faith, but the moment you prove their narrative wrong, even with a simple "no" they act like pigeons shitting the board. They are incapable of a normal discussion.
If you treat them like they treat you, they throw an even bigger temper tantrum. This is why they are the original SJWs. They support censorship, just that they use the free speech to peddle their ideas, and once they get into power(Nazi Germany), they censor and make people disappear.
Most of them I suspect are rebellious teens. As it is impossible for an adult person to hold these ideas in adulthood. Unless that person is indeed inbred.
Are you slow? I told you why. Do I need to make a drawing for you?
So, in summary you hate innocent and good people because you are evil, and wants them harmed due to malice. Pot, meet kettle. And this pot is very retarded, so be gentle on him, kettle.
Aka you got nothing.
He is actually using the same excuse as you.
Once again, you hate Jews, he hates women. What's the difference? None.
So far, we have a plague of leftists like you, which must be weeded with rage quits.
What evidence do you have to even substantiate a single point of your claims? Nothing. NONE. ZERO.
Because on killings, men prefer more direct and violent approaches. Women prefer indirect approaches like poisoning.
Why not?
He hates women, you hate Jews.
Your evidence for Jews being evil, or being after you is as true or as factual as a pink elephant driving a cab.
Join with wahmen haters, not wahmen in general. I have no problems with women. L2R.
Hi pot! Did you notice how similar you argument is?
It's not. My position is about what's best for men, especially Americans, not inflicting suffering on people just for the sake of it.
That sounded like something imp would say.
Kettle, have you met the pot?
You have got to be retarded if you think that. But then again, you could not even see how your position is the same as his. Or that you can not see it.
And like now, instead of stepping back and seeing how your position of hating Jews is the same as hating women, and you can't see it. Then why would I bother criticizing him, since you people are already doing it? I am one person... I prefer to focus on the retards that are worse. For instance, you have no single evidence whatsoever to support any of your hatred against Jews.
got a problem? Change your ways, Mr. Pot, or should I call you Mr. Kettle?
Answer the question.
explained why before.
Wwoooossshhh that's the noise the point made as it flew a cross you.
So what? Why being Jewish is a problem?
And? So what?
Oohh Scottish. Got it.
A swing and a miss.
Aw, it is sad how you act once somebody contradicts you.
Well, America didn't intervene on the Russians when they supplied(including pilots) in North Korea and in Vietnam.
How can stormcucks have an IQ above 90 when all their beliefs are based on information that even anyone with an IQ above 80 knows it is false?
Reminder that your country does too and you are inbred.