ProfessorCrackPipe 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think the fix is in. Most of the Republicans want Trump out, too, so they can go back to doing nothing. The Supreme Court isn’t going to do shit. Maybe they would have, but remember who is behind all of this: Obama. Which means there’s most likely a shit-ton of coercion going on behind the scenes. All the Conservative Justices have likely been told that their families will be massacred if they take the case and go against Biden.

If they cheated once, and got away with it, they’ll have no problem doing the same thing in Georgia. In short, we’re probably fucked. Get ready to experience the joys of living in Obama’s third term, which will probably be a lot like living in East Germany...

ProfessorCrackPipe 14 points ago +14 / -0

I disagree completely. It’s possible, although unlikely, that the virus “got out” on accident in China. However, everything that happened after it did was 100% planned for political means. This was no act of god. It was an act of the globalists.

ProfessorCrackPipe 6 points ago +6 / -0

Understandable. No one wants to draw honeypot duty with ‘Farts’ Swalwell. You never know when that guy will crack one off.

ProfessorCrackPipe 31 points ago +31 / -0

That rat bastard is the biggest disappointment of all of this. He played his part well. My initial suspicion that a Bush guy would inevitably be a deep stater were correct, and I was a fool to be convinced otherwise. I guess I’m not alone in that, though.

ProfessorCrackPipe 3 points ago +3 / -0

That’s what I’m afraid of, too, but I’m hoping we can count on human greed to interfere with whatever he has set up.

ProfessorCrackPipe 26 points ago +26 / -0

Slight problem with that theory, given that well-to-do people are a pretty small group, overall. Look at the average incomes for Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin (or any State, for that matter). The working class vastly outnumber the upper middle class and beyond.

ProfessorCrackPipe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you see the Stargate Origins miniseries? That one was trash. Plenty of the woke elements is there, but generally just bad writing and unlikable characters.

ProfessorCrackPipe 9 points ago +9 / -0

I remember that was another crisis he sat on his ass for months, and then went into “tough guy” mode. I recall him repeating how he locked the Governor and the Mayor in the limo with him, and said no one was leaving until the came up with a solution, or some such. Just like he let the oil leak go on in the ocean forever, then decided he needed to find out “whose ass to kick.” What a fucking clown.

ProfessorCrackPipe 28 points ago +28 / -0

Of all the Leftist organizations, it’s the black one that starts bickering about money first. Way to not be a negative stereotype, BLM!

This sort of thing does represent a tiny glimmer of hope for us normal people, though. When Soros finally croaks, all the organizations he was propping up may begin to turn on each other in an effort to get a bigger piece of the pie. Likely he will have it set up to avoid this, but we can hope.

ProfessorCrackPipe 17 points ago +17 / -0

Yeah, enjoy that flight half way around the planet with a dirty diaper. Apparently the Chinese have never heard of Clorox wipes...

ProfessorCrackPipe 30 points ago +30 / -0

Guy who made his fortune heading up a massive corporation supports a course of action that will destroy all small businesses. How predictable.

ProfessorCrackPipe 34 points ago +34 / -0

You can’t be serious. Nothing like saying “thanks” to rapidly declining population of WWII veterans by having them interact with “Rose” here.

ProfessorCrackPipe 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Montreal Expos faithful welcome you with open arms.

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