Omikron 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yup, it's too far now to stop it. Don't have children, support LGBTQ+ for everyone. Tell women they should always be on birth control as young as possible and never procreate. Vote for higher taxes ALWAYS. Vote for more debt ALWAYS. The government should provide free everything, always. Bring it down.

Omikron 6 points ago +7 / -1

You do as well. You're supporting a government that is taking away people's ability to procreate, ability to work jobs, get paid, travel, etc... Over a vaccine. That's effectively killing them. Same diff.

Just so you know the definition of genocide isn't just directly killing them but organizing society on a manner that kills off specific groups of people though demographics is genocide. That's what you support and why killing others in order to prevent this is justified killing and basically just self defense.

Omikron -2 points ago +2 / -4

Why would I want to help a terrible company? We should be seeking to bring Amazon down not prop it up.

Omikron -5 points ago +1 / -6

If you work to develop something that makes Amazon better, first of all that's Amazon's property, didn't you read your employer's agreement?

Anyway, yeah you do it to get promoted in the company and a higher paying job. You do it to reduce your workload. My first job I got out of university I automated everything I could and ended up turning a 10 hour job into a 2 hour job then I played video games and watched football at work for the remainder of the 10 hour shift.

I'm not a commie but I'm against profit being the driving force of a society. Morality and striving toward being moral should be the main goal. People should want to invent because that's a reflection of their good character. Lazy dumb slobs with poor moral values should just get shit jobs anyway. They aren't going to invent anything anyway.

Omikron -3 points ago +4 / -7

There is plenty of reason for invention. Make life better. That's the incentive. When money is the driver of incentive in society you're already starting from a complete wrong position. IP law actually stiffles invention and is far from fair. Just because I invented an idea 1 second faster than when you would have invented it (an exaggeration) doesn't mean I should get 10-15 years of a monopoly on it.

People will still invent things. Oh maybe they wouldn't invent mindless music and stupid tv shows and movies and other degenerate things but actual beneficial industrial innovation would still be invented because they improve productivity and efficiency. People would still make art and stories and some plays and movies etc... Because it's not about the money. I think you'd see less media but more quality media.

Omikron 13 points ago +17 / -4

Remove all IP laws tbh. It would lead to a better outcome.

Omikron 5 points ago +5 / -0

You know why if someone does it we're all in shit? It's because it's the only thing that actually matters and that's why the government fears it. You can bitch and moan and come up with theories all you want because none of it matters and the government knows. However, if you want to make positive changes, there's only one solution and that's why you will go to prison if you try it and everyone who promotes it gets in shit.

Omikron 6 points ago +6 / -0

Women can be useful as property though. They're like a cursed artifact though so always remember they are inherently evil and can turn on you at any moment. Kind of like keeping a pet Lion or Tiger. Just never let your guard down and you're good but that's a good thing. Men being forced to never let their guard down keeps men on their toes. A society of only men might actually be too peaceful and "good" that man never pushes himself for more because that's a woman's trait. As much as women have faults, their purpose is to help men as crazy as that sounds. By women being desirable for men but never actually giving men what they want unless men force it from women it encourages men to keep trying and improves and making themselves stronger. When women have too much power such that men can no longer improve beyond women's power such as now, society crumbles. The cycle repeats once the bottom is hit. Women are both a curse and a benefit.

Omikron 11 points ago +11 / -0

If all women everywhere are then I think he's right. What has kept the patriarchy in check has been differing civilizations and cultures. As a society becomes weaker through gynocentric ideologies, outside civilizations conquer the weaker ones. Currently, technology allows for total world enslavement to the matriarchy, that's why they push for globalism so much. I think, once globalism happens then total world collapse happens, perhaps even our species or some survive with far limited technology than what we have today and we start the cycle all over again. Men establish a patriarchy, women slowly chip away, the sons of men slowly forget why the patriarchy was established in the first place and everything that has already happened happens all over again. There is nothing new under the sun.

Omikron 15 points ago +22 / -7

Men are scared of the solution. There is only one solution, that's why for thousands of years the most successful civilizations employed this. We must reestablish the patriarchy. Make women the property of men. Do not give women the same rights as men or treat them like men. Women exist for men. Create a society that employs this. Done.

The problem with men today is they don't want to accept this solution because they think it's mean and they want an equal society with women just like men where everyone works together in perfect harmony but that's a complete denial of reality. Until men wake up and realize the truth, we'll continue to degrade.

A patriarchy is natural and that is what we must establish.

Omikron 2 points ago +2 / -0

You guys.... you still think the banks lost against onlyfans... I don't think you realize the truth. Oh, the banks won and this is part of their process. He didn't grow a conscience, he's being replaced with who the cabal wants at the helm.

Omikron 2 points ago +2 / -0

People who promote a society in my own country that is incompatible with me and people like me should be, yes.

Omikron 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only reason I wouldn't is the consequences of our government. I don't fear you, I fear them. That is who protects you, not yourself.

Omikron 1 point ago +3 / -2

The real problem I see is the men. A lot of men like this. They want this. As long as men are fine with this, I don't think we can stop them.

The only hope is a natural phenomenon such as perhaps the more society approaches the feminine ideal, the weaker society becomes such that an external force takes it over; however, because of how globalized the world is, this may not happen? This is why they're so big on the total world government because there no longer becomes the threat of outside groups taking over. You end up instead with a society similar to Bonobos or human matriarchal societies. Total degeneration, women fucking men and each other, any men that try to resist are completely broken down and humiliated, all men are just physical slaves to the women, women are vicious and evil promoting their degeneracy, very little productive growth etc... It's terrible.

The only thing that I think could disrupt this is a huge disruption to technology. A new invention (which may not happen under a Matriarchy) or some sort of world event unpredictable such as some sort of space phenomenon (aliens, something that makes telecommunications not work) etc...

We could be in this for thousands of years before we break out of it.

Omikron 0 points ago +1 / -1

Good, good. This is the right mentality and if I came at you with a gun, you would kill me right? Good. That's a good way to think just understand what systems you are protecting when you do something like this.

Omikron 0 points ago +1 / -1

Of course no individual does, you have the government to protect you. That's what I'm saying...

By talking out against those who express a counter to the existing system and promoting the existing system you are pledged in allegeance to this system. As soon as you stop following it though, you too will be attacked by everyone else and then will see the issues. Just look at what they are doing to the unvaccinated. If you don't go along you have the force of the government against you. Those who support the government's use of force are peldged in allegeance to that government.

Omikron 1 point ago +3 / -2

What's your take on the overall outcome for humanity? Will there be any masculinity left or will everywhere completely kill that concept entirely off? I feel the whole world could be enslaved for thousands of years before there's ever a reaction to it. It seems like the end of civilization is getting nearer and nearer.

Omikron -1 points ago +3 / -4

Easy for you to say because you have made the exchange for the government to protect you from men like me so long as you show submissiveness and are subjected to that government. As long as things go your way you're fine with it and only when they don't go your way do you understand your mistake. Are the Taliban psychos because they wanted to protect their culture, their heritage and their people from western invaders? They needed to kill people to do that.

You can only believe what you believe because the government uses force and kills others for you. You don't understand how life works and are blind to it. You say OK but it shows how out of touch with reality you. Continue living in your bubble. You are responsible for force against others so to say "you're psycho for promoting killing others" while you yourself are responsible for it and have pledged your alleagence to people who do kill others, shows how delusional and how psycho you truly are.

Omikron 0 points ago +4 / -4

Really? That's a feminist take. Yes, people who make society worse for others deserve death. If it weren't for the government's monopoly on violence, I'd gladly kill you. Do you know what you do when you create a slave race? You teach the slaves that killing is bad. Only the masters get to use force to push their agenda and you will be forever enslaved because of it. There is nothing inherently good about non violence, only weakness. Not every life matters. Extending and ensuring all people life until natural death is not the purpose of life nor is it a good thing to promote as an ideal.

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