Japan definitely isn't some kind of a beacon of morality
Oh my, say it isn't so! Can you believe it everybody? Japan isn't some beacon of morality! After all, Japan did some fucked up shit..... IN THE PAST!!!!!!!!
Who could have ever seen this coming? I mean, it's not like literally every country on planet earth has it's own share of past sins, right? Oh wait..... That's the opposite of what's true.
I don't know about you, but I'm not living on the planet earth of twenty years ago. Therefore, I'm going to judge places based on what they're like today. Japan might not be perfect, hell, they've got one of the highest rates of people killing themselves(I think the highest, iirc), so clearly something isn't quite right over there. But still, they're doing a hell of a lot better than other places when it comes to most other problems.
Their people are healthy, safe, they have most of the same rights americans have, their economy is doing wonders, and they produce some of the best entertainment media in the whole world. Should I really ignore all that and agree that they're a degenerate, immoral society, just because twenty years ago they allowed softcore(your word not mine) CP to be legal?
Well, the origin of most lolicon stuff is Japan, a place that has low crime rates and generally seems to be one of the nicest places to live. But according to you, lolicon is degenerate and has no place in a "moral society". So, surely, you must believe that Japan is a degenerate, immoral society, right?
If that's the case, then why the fuck should I care about whether a society is "moral" or not? Or at least, why the fuck should I care about what you consider to be a "moral society"?
I was going to suggest the same thing, along with telling her that many ecchi and hentai artists are women themselves. I don't have the stats, but I remember reading somewhere that around 50% of hentai doujin artists are women.
I think if this chick has even a shred of decency, then this should at least make her consider that he has a point, and that maybe it's okay for anime to be sexy. If someone has a problem with creepy anime bullshit when it's for a male audience, but not otome games, yaoi, or other ecchi/hentai material created by/for females, then that is simply a double standard, rules for thee not for me, and there's really no way around that.
Hopefully it convinces her, but yeah there's a pretty high chance she instead tries to justify double standards through critical theory bullshit. In that case, explain to her that this is objectively a double standard, and that you can't think it's okay for one gender to do and not the other. If she believes that, then she literally believes in witchcraft. It's two people doing the same damn thing, but because one is the "wrong" gender, somehow it magically becomes wrong to do and fills the world with evil!
If she still refuses to see the light, then yeah, at that point she's just a religious fanatic and you and your buddy should just cut her out of your lives.
All this military stuff reminds me of a youtube video I saw a few years ago, called Dogs, A.I, and Air Conditioning. It's by a guy named Colttaine, someone a few people here might already know of, since he's one of the few good content creators who talks about this kinda stuff. I highly recommend his videos, he seems smart and generally gives credible sources for his data.
In the video, he talks about this theory that the reason we've seen so much feminism permeating laws and culture recently, is because women as a collective keep finding "false positive" dangers to themselves, and women in general, in every facet of society.
Basically, humans are really good at pattern recognition, so good that we often see "false positives" for patterns we have evolved to recognize. For example, seeing "faces" on power outlets, or seeing clouds shaped like animals. It makes sense why we would evolve this trait. For a hunter walking through a forest, it's better to mistakenly see a face in some foliage then to not be able to detect a hungry predator lurking.
Now consider that women seem to have biologically evolved to detect danger to themselves before anything else, and combine this with the fact that our modern societies are far safer than the environments we evolved to survive in. The end result of this is that women in our current societies are detecting false positive after false positive in regards to threats to themselves, and women as a whole, due to their inherent biological nature.
I think that may be what's going on in the military right now. An example of life being perfectly safe for women, but due to their biological bias, they literally need to find a problem somewhere. Military perfectly safe for women? Nope, you never see pregnant women in the military, so OBVIOUSLY it's not safe enough for pregnant women! Voila, you have a new problem, a new danger to women as a whole, which must be fixed. And men will mostly just go along with it, perhaps because it's in our nature to do just that.
I see a lot of people say that recent feminism is the result of communism or globalism, and I won't deny the possibilities, but I think it could just be because of our basic biological nature. Particularly that of women, which causes them to perceive danger where none exists, and seek to eliminate that danger, even if the actual result goes directly against their own self interests. In this case, seeing more pregnant women serving in the military, which I can't see being beneficial for women at all.
Btw, sorry for not linking anything, I'm new here and still figuring out how commenting works. The vid should be easy enough to find though, and many sources of information are linked in the description.
I think there's already some good answers in this thread, but I've noticed that I haven't actually seen anyone try to defend it while openly admitting that they like lolicon. So I'll be the first to do it(well, that I've seen at least).
I like lolicon. Yeah, yeah, boo on me! If I gave a fuck I wouldn't be typing this. What I like about it, is pretty much the same thing I like about any other porn. It's hot. It arouses me, so I jack off to it. That's it. You can call it pedophilia all you want. In the end, I know that as long as I'm not hurting anyone, or contributing to the harm of anyone, I have nothing to be ashamed of.
It's like with people who jerk it to rape porn. Just because they're aroused by rape in a fictional porno, doesn't mean they'd be down to rape, or be raped in real life. And this is the important part; the two things are very different. So different, that in a persons mind(I assume), they are not even considered to be the same thing. Rape in a porn, is not the same as rape in real life, just as a drawing of a loli, is not the same as an actual child in real life. The real thing is not the same as the fictional thing, and therefore, it won't create the same feelings of arousal in the vast majority of people who enjoy the fictional thing. At least, I assume it won't, though there's bound to be a few sickos out there.
It should be easy to understand. With rape porn, the appeal comes from the fantasy of either taking control by force, or having control taken away from you, and therefore not having to worry about being in control. The second part I hear is an especially popular fantasy among women who watch porn. In real life, however, none of that comes into play. Real rape, is simply a miserable violation of human rights for the one on the receiving end, and, you know, really fucked up on the other end. So yeah, completely different.
With lolicon, honestly it's a bit more difficult for me to explain, because I consider myself to be a "visuals" guy when it comes to lolicon. What I mean is, I personally just happen to like slim, small characters in hentai. Often times, loli hentai fulfills that desire for me. However, I don't really get off to the "idea" of lolicon. Basically, I just like small boobs short girls, but not the idea that the character is actually a kid. For the sake of argument though, I'll go out on a limb and say that for people who do like the "idea" of lolicon, the appeal probably mostly comes from the feeling of "taboo", like you're indulging in something forbidden. I think much of loli hentai is based around that appeal, and is designed specifically to enhance those feelings in the readers. And of course, they do it in ways that are completely impossible in real life.
To bring it back to the rape comparison, loli hentai, like rape porn, is completely different from real life. Loli hentai is designed to portray the whole scenario as a forbidden indulgence, through things such as, the loli enjoying it, the loli somehow being experienced in sex acts, the loli having an unrealistic body figure, and the loli not being traumatized in the slightest when all is said and done. These things are all impossible in real life. In real life, such an experience would be traumatizing for the child, and it wouldn't be enjoyable for the adult unless they were actually a sick pedophile. This is why you'll hear from most lolicons, myself included, that we think real children are absolutely disgusting. They're nothing like hentai. They're unsanitary and annoying, so I prefer not to be around them given the choice.
And I know the response to that is gonna be "well of course you'd say you hate kids in real life, that's exactly what a pedo would say!". So I'll take it a step further. I feel the same way about real women in general. Now, don't get me wrong, I haven't written off real women, if I had a chance to fuck a supermodel I'd probably take it. But generally speaking, I think 3-D girls are far less appealing than 2-D. They can be ugly, smelly, and they'll force you to deal with bullshit just to keep them around. Hentai, however, can be whatever the hell you want it to be, and that's what I like about it.
See, lolicon is just the tip of the iceberg. Hentai has all sorts of crazy, ridiculous shit you'd never see in real life, and I like a lot of it! I like the fantasy shit, exhibitionist shit, orgy shit, bondage shit, the yuri shit, mind control shit, time stop shit, tentacle shit, the stuck-in-a-wall shit, hell, sometimes I even like the literal shit! Just about the only shit I don't fuck with, is the gay shit, and the beastiality shit. I like all that shit, mainly because the visuals, the drawings, just look arousing to me. That's it.
Is it weird? Yes, duh, of course it's fucking weird! I may be a degenerate, but I'm not such a fucking dumbass as to not know that it's weird for me to like this stuff. But still, I don't feel an ounce of shame regarding any of this, because in the end it's my fucking business, not anyone elses, and it's not harming anyone. Imo, if someone wants to insist that I have a mental problem because I like certain drawings of completely fictional characters, then that person is the one with the problem, not me.
So uh, yeah, that's it I guess. Thanks for coming to my ted talk. I probably wrote way more than I should have, but in my defense, it only took a couple hours for me to write this. Man, I only recently started commenting on this website, I sure didn't expect that after a few days I'd be explaining weird hentai to you guys. I wonder if I'll get famous for this.