Ho-Lee-Fuk 2 points ago +3 / -1

There should be a rather difficult set of Constitutioal questions levies before a ballot is cast.

Ho-Lee-Fuk -5 points ago +2 / -7

Ooohhhh kayyyyy so trump had a speech or rally or whatever right around the time of the afghanistan bullshit and he said it then. Publiclly. In front of his supporters. Seriously.

The real question is why doesn't Trump support Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller? Why doesn't FLYNN? That is the real question.

Ho-Lee-Fuk 6 points ago +6 / -0

He is better off... Way better off. Go get a real job dude.

Ho-Lee-Fuk -3 points ago +4 / -7

Trump already said he (you) will have to go retake that useless shithole. He said so himself.

Ho-Lee-Fuk -4 points ago +1 / -5

Nice timing! Now that they can draft women to be sent over there to fuck the afghanis.

Ho-Lee-Fuk 2 points ago +4 / -2

Yes they are alllllll the same.

Ho-Lee-Fuk -2 points ago +5 / -7

Trump will lead that charge... THEY ARE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM.

Ho-Lee-Fuk 12 points ago +12 / -0

Why take a sweet sweet little canary into a coal mine? Well because if you left it at home some nigger would steal it.

Really though it is the most protected word describing the weakest and most protected and coddled group so they have the ability to hide their weaknesses among greater people. If you can call that shit out then you can say anything.

Ho-Lee-Fuk 7 points ago +7 / -0

I said nigger a lot my first few days. It appears to be a free speech site.

Ho-Lee-Fuk 10 points ago +11 / -1

All politicians are on the same side. Yes that means Trump, Hillary, Obama, and Biden are all on the same team. Its not your team. This is the same for pretty much every country.

Ho-Lee-Fuk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Damn dude. I encourage you to tell people. Pump it out online. If you are scared to then find a go-between to post the info for ya.