Dual_Fire 8 points ago +8 / -0

Still better than nothing at all. I would kill (in Minecraft) quite a few communist if it meant I could move to America with a good steady job (hopefully in a fly over state, where nothing ever happens).

Dual_Fire 27 points ago +27 / -0

... we have had this in Chile for ages now. Im amazed sometimes just how free you guys truly are compared to the rest of the world. There wasn't any pushback here for these authoritarian measures... Everyone just went along with it.

Dual_Fire 2 points ago +2 / -0

The funny thing is, most of these black gangsta types are also NOT welcome in Africa lol. They don't have time for gringo shit.

It's just that sweeping generalizations do not sit well with me. I do think individuals have a choice in how they act, if you choose to be shitty I have no pitty for you. If you try your hardest and still fail? I got you, people who give a damn deserve at least my respect.

Dual_Fire 5 points ago +5 / -0

... I mean you are only making an argument based of shitty people, and assuming everyone else is shit too. It's silly

Dual_Fire 7 points ago +9 / -2

... or like Thomas Sowell (who is awesome).

I don't like "gangsta" culture, and like an earlier comment said, it's circular. Shitty places are made by shitty people, and in turn more shitty people are born to ensure the place stays shitty and/or infect other places.

Still, there are plenty of "white people" who are shitty, a lot of celebrities too, doesn't make the average white dude an awful person.

Think by yourself! Make your own conclusions! You are smart, don't be fooled.

Dual_Fire 4 points ago +4 / -0

That I sadly agree with

Dual_Fire 12 points ago +17 / -5

I mean... A lot of black people are sick of this bullshit too. Don't hate on a whole race cause of individuals, some people suck, but that's just life (same with gay, Jews - to a lesser extent - and even trannies).

Have you noticed that every "Black guy success story" starts by them getting out of the hood? In one way or another? Shitty places breed shitty people.

Don't let others make you hate everyone and everything. Don't be bitter. Why bother? Focus on bettering yourself, your family and friends. People who actually matter.

Dual_Fire 3 points ago +3 / -0

Heh it's somewhat mild in the context of Latin America. Since we were the most prosperous country it makes sense we are the most ridden with cancer.

We also have the crazy feminist types and the SJW types that police our language. The latest nontroversy was the name change of a candy bar, from "Negrita" to "Chokita". Cause the color black (negro) is racist regardless of context (in a country where slavery wasn't a thing, and black people make less than 1% of the population, and they are all here thanks to that same socialist president and her open borders policy).

Dual_Fire 4 points ago +4 / -0

We did! She is now the High Commisioner for Human Rights in the U.N... while also being one of the most corrupt presidents we have had in decades lol. She had her own "Hunter Biden" moment a few years back, with one of her child's (all from different fathers, never married) being involved in a scandal (he bought worthless land, that quickly jumped in price after a new mining project was announced... It was of course all a happy coincidente lol)


Dual_Fire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah... It's been a weird couple of years.

Now we are even changing our constitution due to the violent protests.

"Fun" fact, the council elected for redacting it is headed by a native that doesn't even identify as Chilean. Truly clown world material.

She is part of the same native group that's currently doing terrorist attacks in the southern regions of the country. Also a fun fact, this was heavily under reported by the media, until a reporter got shot at. Then suddenly it was important enough to be on the news haha.

Dual_Fire 12 points ago +12 / -0

Whoops! I should apologize, I mixed you up with one of the trolls I was messing around with.

So I'm sorry!

I'm from Chile, Latin América, we have had a similar couple of years to you guys (from violent protests, to vaccine passports... Only in here everything you guys feared did actually end up happening)

Dual_Fire 9 points ago +9 / -0

Wow you actually made some sense there! You must not have many lefty friends if you are willing to have this kind of opinions.

Good for you! Thinking for yourself is hard, but if even you can manage it, it gives me hope for the future.

Hopefully people in my country start doing it too.

Dual_Fire 7 points ago +7 / -0

You really are the real deal aren't you? The real fart sniffing leftie redditor type.

Are you masturbating right now?? Does it make you hard being around right leaning people?? You are being so naughty!!

Dual_Fire 8 points ago +9 / -1

I love when lefty gringos pretend to be reasonable, why are you wasting time here? Shouldn't you be working or something?

Also, are you a communist? And if so, do you eat babies?

Dual_Fire 5 points ago +5 / -0

He just seems young to me, like late teens or early 20's. Nothing too bad.

Dual_Fire 9 points ago +10 / -1

Gimmie an I!

Dual_Fire 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Mistborn series comes to mind, even if the target audience is mostly teens.

Dual_Fire 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is awesome! I love it when creative people do cool things like this.

Dual_Fire 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah, in the fanfiction he could have casted it due to his connection to Voldemort (it stained him in a more profound way than in the original books). There is a lot in the book that doesn't work, but the point of the story is to actually think and question what happens, and not simply explain it away with "it's magic".

It does have HORRIBLY tropey fanfiction tier things in it tough, like Harry being 10x times as powerful as he should be in the book (cause he UNDERSTANDS more).

Dual_Fire 11 points ago +12 / -1

I read the Harry Potter one a few years back, it's fanfiction, but far from terrible.

It's basically a "what if harry wasn't raised by horrible people" story, and he actually questioned things (Like I can turn back time?? Cant this be abused?? Why do words matter for spells? Etc.) Don't know anything about the other ones.

Dual_Fire 11 points ago +11 / -0

Sorry dude, didn't mean to offend or anything, the website just gave me a mild case of eye aids.

Dual_Fire 21 points ago +22 / -1

"womenarehuman.com" ...yeah victimhood right in the website lol

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