DangerDog 2 points ago +2 / -0

Somehow I doubt that she's a 'math whiz'.

DangerDog 1 point ago +1 / -0


So, like all holocaust believers, you know nothing about your chosen topic. That's fine, I'm Catholic, and know nothing about the Bible outside of the stories told to me as a child.

Canes are most definitely mentioned. You can even see the 'barber/actor' sweat as he freely invents the lie, on camera, in one of the most respected documentaries in history. He's also in the 'holocaust hall of fame' on the USC (I think) website. Remember, buddy: you purport to believe that the 'Nazis' got the Jews to use canes to drag the dead bodies out of the 'gas chamber'. But yes, I'm the weirdo.

'Manglement' is not a word -- that's why I used a hyphen, to underscore that I was neologizing. It's fairly standard practice. Maybe you're not as smart as you think you are? (by the way, 'ones' in your last sentence needs an apostrophe -- kek!)

And no, the Germans did not document the 'genocide'. We literally have the Bletchley decodings of the Enigma machine, and they mention nothing other than (tragic) typhoid deaths.


DangerDog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dear Gizortnik,

You never fail to impress! You're wonderfully eloquent (I wish I could write half as well as you!) and you seem to know just about everything about... well everything. I keep meaning to ask you how to accurately compare 1M dollars from 1835 to now, 2022 -- the standard model of relating it to inflation of a basic food basket is obviously flawed beyond 20 years or so.

As to your criticisms... well, one place you fall apart is science -- which is odd, because you purport to have a physics (maybe?) degree. Well, I suppose all degrees are made differently. And, I suppose, that even physics degrees are more of an indication of an incapacity to think. My word! The things you say about climate and viruses...

So, having read some holocaust 'survivor' literature (Maus, say)... the jews "knew" that they were being gassed. The (obviously retarded) 'shower' story might have worked once... but not twice. Remember, the entry to the 'gas' chambers was in full view of... everyone.

Mass graves would obviously not lead to entanglement... because the people are dead.

Your assessment of the 'chambers' is flawed by not including the 6-8 steel columns (with 90 degree edges) required to maintain the fiction. These would obviously, given the pressure of the '2000' bodies, lead to mangle-ment. I do understand that pressure is one of the hardest concepts for 'physicists'. Much more so than 'quantum mechanics'.

Also, you, like all of the liars involved in the 'holocaust' (of which you're not one -- a liar, I mean), are not considering that all of the people have to be pulled out through 'one door'. This would obviously not be feasible using the 'canes' mentioned in Lanzman's documentary.

Ah! And the Germans, the most efficient people in history, just left 'eyewitnesses'. Right You can't possibly believe that.

Oh wait, you claim to be not an a-theist, but an anti-theist. You're neither. You're a Holocaustianist. You believe the stupidest story ever told -- including Hanuman and Ganesha. It's... astonishing.

And: Gizortnik: I obviously know what I'm talking about. I wish that either you or the jews would just do some 'experiments' (remember those -- the bedrock of 'science'?) instead of simply using your eloquence to confuse normies. Remember, an Australian literally used ground-penetrating radar to prove that no earth had been moved at Belzec. Then the jews destroyed his life and paved the entire ground with concrete, so that no such 'experiment' (remember those... from your 'education'?) could ever be done. Fantastic 'allies' you have!

Sincerely, DangerDog

DangerDog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah, evidence.

Okay. Let me pose these questions to you, and I'll preface it by saying that I've posed them to dozens of high-end engineers, and even the 75% that realized what game I was playing never had an answer.

So: According to canon, there was a place (Krema 3) in Auschwitz, where "2000" jews were gassed/incinerated -- the real number is probably 1250, but hey, jews are allowed all kinds of leeway. Let's say 2000, and then scale down as needed. The floor-plans of the rooms are readily available.

This brings up two questions:

  1. There was only one door to the room. So, as jews were being shoved into the room, their ability to resist further shovings was being augmented. After about 100 jews were in the room, they would easily be able to resist any more jews being shoved in, because any force applied could only pass through the width of one door. (you'll have to think a bit about this, but eventually it's very obvious)

Ah yes -- guns! But any gunshot would lead to mass panic, and, as there were no turrets (in the enclosed Krema spaces), there would be no way to stop the mass panic/trampling that would obviously occur.

  1. Pre-suppose that 2000 (1250) jews just walked passively into a room, and lined up passively to be killed. Okay, as the gas starts to enter the room, the people at the front would, naturally, push toward the door. Then, as they died, they would tumble in random positions, and then fall in an entangled morass. As such, the extraction of the dead would require chainsaws etc. Something not evidenced in any eye-witness testimony.

Okay: so keep in mind that there is no 'bamboozle' here. This is all simply basic engineering. If I were wrong, literal children could contradict me, and I would, of course, be man enough to admit my errors.

Can you, Gizortnik, with your obvious 145+ IQ tell me my errors? Or do you just ignore this?

Remember: if the holocaust could not have happened... then it didn't.

Sincerely, Danger Dog

DangerDog 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I mean I'm the sort of person that he's talking about, but I find it hard to be insulted by 'stormcuck'. He'd be better of sticking to 'Nazi', which still wouldn't insult me, obviously, but would at least get his meaning across.

DangerDog 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh... I didn't know that Otomo did steampunk. I read Akira before the internet! So I never had a chance to obsessively follow everything that he did.

Is steampunk a Manga thing? It seems like it would be much better suite to a Victorian setting.

DangerDog 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ah, I just meant the most famous or influential ones. Like Rambo for 80s movies or Nirvana for grunge.