BulbasaurusThe7th 22 points ago +22 / -0

I disagree. As much as people like to try and convince you of the opposite, Hungary at large is not dangerous. The only people who regularly commit violence towards strangers are gypsies and they do it regardless, no matter what kind of person you are.
Normal homosexuals are not revered here like in some other countries, but at the same time you don't just get murdered or something.

Let the families tell their children what they feel they should.

BulbasaurusThe7th 40 points ago +40 / -0

But that's not what's happening.
I'm Hungarian.

The leftists here/the EU want us to do the same as Western Europe does; start telling kids like you can change your gender from kindergarten.
Also, one of my huge issues is that they want it done by activists showing up to kindergarten/school. Anyone can be an activist. I wouldn't want random strange adults showing up to my kids to teach them shit. Especially knowing how many of those strangers are not "just" gay.
Then again, I am 10000% against transgenderism also, so there is that. No, I don't believe legitimately gender dysphoric people are helped through transitioning.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yes, yes and yes.
But now more and more people are conditioned to only like the fan fiction version of things. We have a whole generation of people who live by the fan fiction of Harry Potter. No, not the actual sotry, but theirn "headcanons" and "condings" and such.

Ask these people to describe Hermione or Sirius or whichever character. I bet my ass they will do it based on Tumblr edits and Ao3 tags. Not what the story actually says.

You can't do that if the author is around and will answer your questions in real time. Not even Just Kiddin' Rowling, queen of retcon allows for that.

BulbasaurusThe7th 43 points ago +43 / -0

People who are proud of being part of "the official fan club" or "the big fan club" are pathetic. Like dude, you are not any more representative of the community or the original work itself just because you are a self-important Karen.
Like sure, be a fan. Be part of a club. But like... you are still just a person who is a fan of something, you're not Jesus Christ, you don't own the thing.
People like this like to pretend they are somehow big names and a big deal because they attached to someone else's creative work.

This disturbs me about fan culture. How many things have we seen when certain "important in fandom" types bullied others, abused them, scammed, started witchhunts because of petty reasons, etc.? This is the nerd version of the typical movie main cheerleader bitch.

BulbasaurusThe7th 22 points ago +23 / -1

I don't drink, smoke or do drugs.
But boy, do I want to do all of that when I see shit like this. .

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +17 / -0

So... what did you all have for lunch? Have you cooked anything interesting recently?
I made a bunch of pork gyoza, it's delicious. Takes a fuckton of time if you are a psycho like I am and make your own wrappers from scratch, but it's extremely cheap and you can show off if you have people over for dinner.

BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I am very sorry that I have a life outside trying to react to your weird ass conspiracy theories and downright cruel shit.
Before you say shit, I just woke up. I wasn't "hiding" or anything, just asleep.

Okay, they said that. But to gloat over times when it is literally the exact opposite is just psychotic.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +12 / -0

So women who got kidnapped from some bumfuck village and have never had anything to do with the feminists you hate DESERVE to be continually raped because you are a spiteful, crazy bastard.

Women locked up physically and beaten until they allow randos to fuck them are the "psychological torturers" in your mind.
You are exactly like the black celebs who claim white homeless people have power over them. (Which you will claim is just women or someshit.)

BulbasaurusThe7th 27 points ago +27 / -0

Then again, hard to feel good about any purchase when name brands keep telling you they want your white/straight/male/non-tranny ass to die because muh slavery or some shit...

BulbasaurusThe7th 30 points ago +30 / -0

But the moment whites are not solving the problems of non-whites, they fucking scream. Like okay, no more white saviour. Feed yaselves. What is a refugee? You want me to white saviour your ass? Na. No welfare, no "b-but Native women are being killed, except we deny the fact that mostly it is done by their own men, BUT SOLVE IT WHITEY". No international aide.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +11 / -1

Okay, so children are not allowed to use public bathrooms and changing rooms? I know you don't have kids and won't want to have any, but the logistics don't need you to be a parent of 10.
Explain to 7-year-old Suzy that from now on she is living in Saudi Arabia and can't fucking go out swimming, because she can't change out of her wet swimwear, because of fucking troons. Good thinking. Thank you.

Or we could send them in a separate changing rooms without adults around. Again, I don't have a degree in early childhood development, but you know why that wouldn't work, right?

You have an issue with normies, as long as they are women because they must rape, but A TRANNY WHO FETISHISES YOUNG GIRL LIFE is not an issue because of reasons???????????
Nobody said no women are crazy perverts. But these dudes are visibly, obviously so and they announce it regularly. They publicly perform their fetishes and drag unwilling people into it.

I say this will all the respect ever, but dude. Sometimes your twisted logic breaks my brain a little.

BulbasaurusThe7th 24 points ago +24 / -0

"Some people got away with it, so this specific child needs to get victimised as well."

Dude. No. A child is not an acceptable loss because you want revenge. I don't care, I will NEVER stand by that.

BulbasaurusThe7th 36 points ago +36 / -0

It's so condescending when these spoilt brats do the whole "I care about THE SOUL, not like... the body, like I like people when I like them with my heaaaaart".
Oh, how great, you just invented the most basic human emotions all over again, congratulations. The entirety of human experience just got discovered by some 23-year-old with upspeak and a degree in underwater basket weaving.
The great artists of the past who have documented romances we still use to this day as universally understood benchmarks of what love is ain't shit. We need some rich girl (middle name Marie, Rose or Grace every time, I swear) to explain to us what it means to love.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +14 / -0

Well, these people are all perverts, all they think about is fucking. You can't have meaningful relationships of any kind without a sexual elements according to disgusting vermin like this.

BulbasaurusThe7th 20 points ago +20 / -0

This could have been avoided if they just had more they/them pronoun social workers girlies with nose rings. They would have told DeShaun and Lamarcus that they need to just go and rob and murder white folks as revenge instead!

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

Trying to make fanfiction masturbatory fetishist shit sound legitimate was a huge mistake and it plagues media and culture.
No, writing fanfiction is not some great thing. No, I don't care about how "UGGGHH, I have read fanfiction that was so much better than real books", anyone who says that gets on my Shitlist of Retards automatically.

BulbasaurusThe7th 32 points ago +32 / -0

They also want to drag you into performing in their fetish plays. They love making normies uncomfortable and organising these huge, elaborate scenes with many unwilling participants.

BulbasaurusThe7th 45 points ago +47 / -2

So this is one of the most hilarious stories EVER. Let me explain.

In the recent years, literature got overtaken by this fascistoid idea they call #OwnVoices. What is that, you ask? You can only write about a thing if you are that thing.
Let's say I write a book. Let's say I'm a good little SocJus worker and I include blacks, trannies, someone missing a leg. BUT! I'm wrong for doing that, as I am stealing the struggle of those people.

Then comes someone, who writes some tranny shit. People rip it apart, because he must be a "cis man". Turns out this cis man troons out, but they made it feel bad for trying to "force him to come out".
(Then on plebbit, people say "ughhh, you presume you can accurately guess who is a man and who isn't. Which... they actually did in this case, because yes, we can pinpoint troons, but you can't say that.)

I have talked about the fact Own Voices forces oversharing.
But now the SJW Krew unintentionally harmed one of their holy cows, a troon in the overzealous need to start a new crusade and cancel someone.

I don't feel sorry for either party, only for humanity for having so many warring retards.

BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +15 / -0

I am starting to feel trannies exist to make normies realise we are downright hotties in comparison. What the actual fuck, mate.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +14 / -0

Because degenerate acts are the way. I'm sorry normal people want to teach their kids that they can make their own way through... innovating, being creative, being curious. No. It's all about disgusting, weird sex acts for the tolerant left. You as a person, are defined by the sex acts you perform and nothing else. Nothing.

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