AzureAceStarburstXXX 1 point ago +1 / -0

When being a thinking and functioning individual is bigoted and illegal, bigotry becomes duty.

AzureAceStarburstXXX 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ask yourself what the goal of a healthy society is.

The goal of a leftist society is to put leftists in unearned positions of privolege and power, feeding the lazy and envious thieves with a system that only functions when enough debt-slaves and wagecucks are enslaved and forced to serve it. They want you farming their free grapes while you are forced to eat bugs.

Not all ideas are equal. Not all people are equal. Trying to forcefully equalize people means holding back the healthy so they can't outrun the lazy. It means silencing the smart so they don't correct the "experts" and embarass them. It means treating a white person's right to live and an imported sub-saharan sub-80 IQ serial rapist's right to live equally, despite the absurdity of such an act. This anarcho-tyranny where the law treats some racial castes with kid gloves and makes an example out of uppity whites... You already know it's unhealthy.

The goal of a healthy society is to do what is best for its people. Not the ruling class, but the vital people that earn their keep. For a healthy society to remain healthy it needs a clear vision of who its people are and who they should be. A healthy society does what's best for the physical and mental health of its citizens, providing them with opportunities to succeed based solely on merit, and an education grounded in science and reality rather than today's marxist indoctrination dog-training only traitors willingly subject their children to. A healthy society won't try to brainwash you and sell you the "work hard enough for some lucky billionaire's corporation and you'll surely be successful!" lie because a healthy society doesn't need a class of easily-duped useful-idiot worker bees so it can afford to keep its neediest mouths fed. The government should do what healthy people can't do for themselves and no more. The people of the nation and the futures of their children should be its highest priority.

Look at the problems facing America today and the wishy-washy liberal ideas that caused them. Liberalism always gives way to leftist tyranny and calls any alternative to its tyranny a tyrant. Liberalism doesn't work. Good people might want to put others first but you can't save anyone if you can't save yourselves. And good people will need to save themselves if they want to survive this one-sided leftist war or ever get back their human rights and peace.

Not everyone can prosper. Some people will fail despite the best efforts of "no child left behind" policies. People should have human rights but some people are more human than others. Hollywood loves to depict anyone who understands this as a violent monster who wants culling for anyone who isn't airy enough, or whatever hollywood's boo-word for whites is. Why? Because they don't want you questioning if it's really in your best interest to spend your life as a wage slave whose taxes fund a government more interested in buying the fleeting love of imported ethnically self-interested invasive voter blocs than your wellbeing and the wellbeing of your family and children. And what kind of rational society is terrified of questioning why America gives away so much money to Israel? This society is slowly rotting away because of all the leftist parasites, and the drones just follow the bad ideas they were taught by this dying society and the government's schools growing up. This dying society promotes sicknesses over health, treats those of the luckier skin tones and the luckier sex better than better people, and sabotages the development of children in the name of spite.

Anything's better than more of this leftist communist anarcho-tyranny. Absolutely anything.

AzureAceStarburstXXX 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Left is evil. "The Right" is absolutely all alternatives to that evil, whether they actually oppose the left or not. There is no center. The left are pedophiles who want power and will say and do anything to get power and keep power. They can't be reasoned with. Locking them in straightjackets amd padded rooms, and deporting their sub-80 IQ Useful Idiot imported voters is the peaceful solution.

Putting up with their abuses won't make them stop. Asking them to stop won't reverse their demograohic war on you. Saying "moral" things like "I don't agree with what you have to say but I'll still die to protect your right to say it" will not impress them. They want you broke or raped or dead or all of the above and they think it's funny.

I'd be arrested if I told you to treat them how they brag about wanting to treat you.

AzureAceStarburstXXX 7 points ago +7 / -0

Ask yourself what the goal of a healthy society is.

The goal of a leftist society is to put leftists in unearned positions of privolege and power, feeding the lazy and envious thieves with a system that only functions when enough debt-slaves and wagecucks are enslaved and forced to serve it. They want you farming their free grapes while you are forced to eat bugs.

Not all ideas are equal. Not all people are equal. Trying to forcefully equalize people means holding back the healthy so they can't outrun the lazy. It means silencing the smart so they don't correct the "experts" and embarass them. It means treating a white person's right to live and an imported sub-saharan sub-80 IQ serial rapist's right to live equally, despite the absurdity of such an act. This anarcho-tyranny where the law treats some racial castes with kid gloves and makes an example out of uppity whites... You already know it's unhealthy.

The goal of a healthy society is to do what is best for its people. Not the ruling class, but the vital people that earn their keep. For a healthy society to remain healthy it needs a clear vision of who its people are and who they should be. A healthy society does what's best for the physical and mental health of its citizens, providing them with opportunities to succeed based solely on merit, and an education grounded in science and reality rather than today's marxist indoctrination dog-training only traitors willingly subject their children to. A healthy society won't try to brainwash you and sell you the "work hard enough for some lucky billionaire's corporation and you'll surely be successful!" lie because a healthy society doesn't need a class of easily-duped useful-idiot worker bees so it can afford to keep its neediest mouths fed. The government should do what healthy people can't do for themselves and no more. The people of the nation and the futures of their children should be its highest priority.

Look at the problems facing America today and the wishy-washy liberal ideas that caused them. Liberalism always gives way to leftist tyranny and calls any alternative to its tyranny a tyrant. Liberalism doesn't work. Good people might want to put others first but you can't save anyone if you can't save yourselves. And good people will need to save themselves if they want to survive this one-sided leftist war or ever get back their human rights and peace.

Not everyone can prosper. Some people will fail despite the best efforts of "no child left behind" policies. People should have human rights but some people are more human than others. Hollywood loves to depict anyone who understands this as a violent monster who wants culling for anyone who isn't airy enough, or whatever hollywood's boo-word for whites is. Why? Because they don't want you questioning if it's really in your best interest to spend your life as a wage slave whose taxes fund a government more interested in buying the fleeting love of imported ethnically self-interested invasive voter blocs than your wellbeing and the wellbeing of your family and children. And what kind of rational society is terrified of questioning why America gives away so much money to Israel? This society is slowly rotting away because of all the leftist parasites, and the drones just follow the bad ideas they were taught by this dying society and the government's schools growing up. This dying society promotes sicknesses over health, treats those of the luckier skin tones and the luckier sex better than better people, and sabotages the development of children in the name of spite.

Anything's better than more of this leftist communist anarcho-tyranny. Absolutely anything.

AzureAceStarburstXXX 2 points ago +2 / -0

I forgot its name but feminists are still mad about it

AzureAceStarburstXXX 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Left is evil. "The Right" is absolutely all alternatives to that evil, whether they actually oppose the left or not. There is no center. The left are pedophiles who want power and will say and do anything to get power and keep power. They can't be reasoned with. Locking them in straightjackets amd padded rooms, and deporting their sub-80 IQ Useful Idiot imported voters is the peaceful solution.

Putting up with their abuses won't make them stop. Asking them to stop won't reverse their demograohic war on you. Saying "moral" things like "I don't agree with what you have to say but I'll still die to protect your right to say it" will not impress them. They want you broke or raped or dead or all of the above and they think it's funny.

I'd be arrested if I told you to treat them how they brag about wanting to treat you.

AzureAceStarburstXXX 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are good Vtubers? Can you show me some who are not just high voices, shameless thottery, and anime faces made by real artists?

AzureAceStarburstXXX 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember, calling leftism fascism is an insult to fascism. Not the other way around. Lefties won't blink if you call them ANY of the words they use to control you, like "racist" or "fascist".

Communists have never been treated as badly as they treat non-communists, sadly. That's why there are still Communists.

AzureAceStarburstXXX 0 points ago +3 / -3

Wrong, a trap is a boy that dishonestly acts like a girl. A futa is a woman with bonus features. How that affects her is up to her. Whether you're into tomboy supremacy or shy cuties there's a futa to your taste.

AzureAceStarburstXXX 9 points ago +9 / -0

Lmao the Greeks had a hilarious play about how women vote with their feelings when they get power.

AzureAceStarburstXXX 14 points ago +17 / -3

Vtubers mean even ugly girls get to be treated like they're pretty.

AzureAceStarburstXXX 13 points ago +13 / -0

Atheism stumbles worse than Christianity when it comes to opposing Feminism. Why do you think that is?

AzureAceStarburstXXX 12 points ago +12 / -0

Life was designed to evolve. Evolution wasn't designed to have the results of life's tests "Equalized" to favour scum and hamstring the best.

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