I've been seeing numerous posts by people agreeing with Fox Business on what's going on:
Lots of people are doing the "Wow, I can't believe I agree with Fox on this one" thing. There are some tiny red tablets being handed out in this thread and in this whole thing in general.
While Cucker Carlson has said some dumb shit with the Capitol "storming" he also understands why there was a strong populist movement on the right, now the left-populists on reddit are surprised because they're agreeing with Fox on something.
Point this out to them. Point out how there are certain aspects that Trump populists agreed directly with Sanders-type populists on. There's a lot they disagree on for sure, but you can mix that shit in with how the media tried to basically keep us busy yelling at each other while they continued to fuck us in the ass with no lube by benefiting off of all the bailouts they received in 2008.
If we just stopped flinging shit at each other for 1 fucking month we would actually have gotten things done. I find it amusing that a bunch of Sanders type of leftists are dismayed that the MSM had the GALL to attack them for trying to do something because they're the little guy. This was the same MSM that was on their side to attack Trump and now they're genuinely surprised the MSM dared to gather the wagons around the financial institutions.
I know it's a bit time consuming, but this is how you get people to realize they were angry at the WRONG fucking people for the past 4 years.
That is what I never got. Trump was essentially a 90s Democrat. So I guess by today’s standards Bill Clinton circa 92 would be a right wing extremist.
Its amusing how people always crow about how "American politics are Right wing and more Right wing compared to the rest of the West!"
Yet sitting on the Right, the two parties look Far Left and Vaguely Left with sometimes Right.
When lefties say that they mean "Americans don't accept islamic rapefugee swarms and daily grenade attacks like the europeans do".
All leftists are complicit in white genocide.
but you cant generalize, oy! you must study every single leftist closely and debate them for a month each, otherwise you might hurt a friend and you don't wanna do that!
The Left is evil. "The Right" is absolutely all alternatives to that evil, whether they actually oppose the left or not. There is no center. The left are pedophiles who want power and will say and do anything to get power and keep power. They can't be reasoned with. Locking them in straightjackets amd padded rooms, and deporting their sub-80 IQ Useful Idiot imported voters is the peaceful solution.
Putting up with their abuses won't make them stop. Asking them to stop won't reverse their demograohic war on you. Saying "moral" things like "I don't agree with what you have to say but I'll still die to protect your right to say it" will not impress them. They want you broke or raped or dead or all of the above and they think it's funny.
I'd be arrested if I told you to treat them how they brag about wanting to treat you.