This is a real concern. Obama overhauled the officer corps with SJWs and inclusion shit. They didn't go away just because Trump told the deep state to slow down the indoctrination.
Biden and Gore envision a scenario where Trump clearly loses the 2020 election and then throws a temper tantrum and refuses to leave the White House. Such a scenario is an absurdity.It is far more plausible that the 2020 election will be hotly contested, and Democratic leaders will simply declare victory, and then turn to the press and big tech to endorse their claims. Then, they will turn to the military to enforce what they have decided. It is also possible that, in a contested election, Democrats will order their “peaceful protesters” to invade and menace the capital. If President Trump orders the use of force to maintain order, the establishment will seize upon this as an excuse for the military to revolt against him.
If it wasn’t for recent months, I would dismiss this as bad concern bait. Something is going to happen after the 3rd and whatever it is, it’s not going to be pretty. They put this idea into people’s heads that Trump is not going to step down if he loses, whenever we know the White House is taking the steps to make the transition.
We know that they want to delay the results of the election, potentially to cheat and get Biden in “legitimately” but I wouldn’t put them past it to just lie to the people and say Biden won anyways. This election is a threat to our country, but not the way the left is claiming it is. If this goes down the way that it looks like it will, there will be no more elections, at least not as a fully preserved Union.
I've learned more about the 1860 election in the last few weeks than I did in my combined 30+ previous years on this planet, and not for complete lack of trying. Turns out the democrats of today are behaving almost exactly like the democrats of Lincoln's era.
Their strategic position is considerably worse today than it was then. Cut off the cities from resources produced in the non-Communist, non-Socialist, non-Subversive areas of the country and you'll be Commie-free faster than you can say 'Mi Presidente Augusto Pinochet'.
This is a real concern. Obama overhauled the officer corps with SJWs and inclusion shit. They didn't go away just because Trump told the deep state to slow down the indoctrination.
If it wasn’t for recent months, I would dismiss this as bad concern bait. Something is going to happen after the 3rd and whatever it is, it’s not going to be pretty. They put this idea into people’s heads that Trump is not going to step down if he loses, whenever we know the White House is taking the steps to make the transition.
We know that they want to delay the results of the election, potentially to cheat and get Biden in “legitimately” but I wouldn’t put them past it to just lie to the people and say Biden won anyways. This election is a threat to our country, but not the way the left is claiming it is. If this goes down the way that it looks like it will, there will be no more elections, at least not as a fully preserved Union.
I've learned more about the 1860 election in the last few weeks than I did in my combined 30+ previous years on this planet, and not for complete lack of trying. Turns out the democrats of today are behaving almost exactly like the democrats of Lincoln's era.
Their strategic position is considerably worse today than it was then. Cut off the cities from resources produced in the non-Communist, non-Socialist, non-Subversive areas of the country and you'll be Commie-free faster than you can say 'Mi Presidente Augusto Pinochet'.