In fairness, we liberated Asia from the Japanese, and most of those fuckers could barely write anything but their own name. Sometimes it's about just being smart enough to follow simple instructions.
Well, that's the thing about a military grunt/cannon fodder: They need to be smart enough to follow orders, but not smart enough to want to go around questioning them.
Maybe in the 1800's. Nowadays, it's actually pretty important to for soldiers to think on their feet.
It's actually a pretty common trope within military strategy where the unit on it's own is utterly destroyed because it lost communication with a higher command element, and was unable to adapt in any way without orders.
That's exactly why you aim at the guys with rank insignia first. The military is a meritocracy, so you're shooting what passes for their cream of their fighting population.
That's the whole idea, actually, is to cull them down to their worst specimens, and then you can take over and destroy what's left. Except humans are stupid enough to want survivors as workers, instead of breeding and moving more of their own kind. Like they do when they're at war with other species.
>don't know what fractions are
>can still wield a rifle
I know "crayon-eating Marines" is a meme, but goddamn.
In fairness, we liberated Asia from the Japanese, and most of those fuckers could barely write anything but their own name. Sometimes it's about just being smart enough to follow simple instructions.
Well, that's the thing about a military grunt/cannon fodder: They need to be smart enough to follow orders, but not smart enough to want to go around questioning them.
Maybe in the 1800's. Nowadays, it's actually pretty important to for soldiers to think on their feet.
It's actually a pretty common trope within military strategy where the unit on it's own is utterly destroyed because it lost communication with a higher command element, and was unable to adapt in any way without orders.
That's exactly why you aim at the guys with rank insignia first. The military is a meritocracy, so you're shooting what passes for their cream of their fighting population.
That's the whole idea, actually, is to cull them down to their worst specimens, and then you can take over and destroy what's left. Except humans are stupid enough to want survivors as workers, instead of breeding and moving more of their own kind. Like they do when they're at war with other species.