Hispanics- legal or criminal- are mostly responsible for this. They will have child after child until they can't afford to take care of them. For each child the quality of life decreases.
If you have X amount of money you can get the most quality for food/clothing/education/etc that money can buy for one child. If you have two you can afford only half. Another, a third as good, etc.
jews know this so they produce cheap shit en masse and flood the market with it. Cheap shit falls apart, causes more garbage in the streets and since it's cheap no one takes care of what they own and they just buy more and more crap.
Eventually you can't even find quality shit even if you can afford it. Instead everywhere is fast food, discount clothes and shitty education. Most people don't even consider that there could be alternatives.
I will say that at least they are better than niggers that will have offspring after offspring and not even take care of it.
Hispanics- legal or criminal- are mostly responsible for this. They will have child after child until they can't afford to take care of them. For each child the quality of life decreases.
If you have X amount of money you can get the most quality for food/clothing/education/etc that money can buy for one child. If you have two you can afford only half. Another, a third as good, etc.
jews know this so they produce cheap shit en masse and flood the market with it. Cheap shit falls apart, causes more garbage in the streets and since it's cheap no one takes care of what they own and they just buy more and more crap.
Eventually you can't even find quality shit even if you can afford it. Instead everywhere is fast food, discount clothes and shitty education. Most people don't even consider that there could be alternatives.
I will say that at least they are better than niggers that will have offspring after offspring and not even take care of it.
Is your argument really that people are having too many children? The entire west is below replacement rate.
There is no garbage in the streets of Japan.
The wrong people are having too many children. The right people are having too few. That’s what he means.
They aren't White so they don't matter.