And isnt it weird how the Russians and German's hubris has always led them to undersetimate the scrappy but ultimately superior american cunning?
Theres 101 stories of the brave Lt with no air support or artillery supporting holding off a whole battalion with onlu 100 men.
I wonder why nobody in history has ever pulled off a glorious combat from the bad side.
Only slightly off topic, but I saw two hilarious related things; one was probably a joke, the other was dead serious. Paraphrasing:
"I can't support Elon and Space X anymore. I refuse to do business with someone who would be involved with Nazis. I'm switching my support to NASA."
"How could these absolute traitors sell these people out to Russia?! They're scum! These people are betraying our WW2 allies to side with Russia!"
People are stupid, and history is just a useful tool to push their modern agendas and biases. Very few people care about actual historical accuracy. That's why the bad guys never win wars.
Not only is history written by the victors, but the Good Guys also change based on current agendas and who is currently in charge.
I will say it's a shame how far we've drifted from both "sides," geopolitically. Historically we have shared a lot in common with Europe, and I'd love it if places like Germany and France and Britain hadn't gone insane. We should be closer allies with them but, as things stand, we instead need to run far, far away from these fucks, because they're currently toxic.
Likewise, we're told Russia is toxic, but I'd personally like to try to normalize relations. We don't have to be friends, but we should be sitting down to talk and trying to at least become allies of convenience. It doesn't have to be as antagonistic as it has been. Can Russia be trusted? No, but neither can any of our other's just how geopolitics works. Everyone spies on everyone, everyone manipulates everyone. It's not a uniquely Russian thing.
My part of it has always been that the Allies were liars who committed atrocities and lied about it. The Holocaust is 50 to 85% exaggerated and the begining of the War was entirely reasonable on Germany's part.
Hitler was also a funked up evil shit. So was Churchill so was Truman, guess what so's putin and so is trump. They're all nasty greedy bad people.
But their opponents are as bad with better PR. I GET the no more brother wars thing, and I also GET Putin looking at the approaching cancer of globohomo towards the nation he loves and saying "fuck that, die"
Being a patriot isn't an automatic "hero" mark, but fuck it's more respectable than selling your own people to make a buck.
That second one of yours is fucking bonkers though. Makes me think of Eisenhower
The UK planned to massively kill German civilians by dropping 5 million anthrax-filled cakes ( they were made, and ready to drop ) to infect cattle in Germany during WW II.
The US shipped mustard gas bombs to Italy. Fortunately the ship was sank during a bombing run on Bari.