The boomers are truly the most selfish generation that exists, I tried explaining to a boomer the other day that if they shut down social security and did a buyout (paid you back what you paid in) they would make more money than they will ever receive from SS. They immediately became defensive and said “they paid into it for years so they deserve it”. Second round of buyout explanation ensues. The next sentence was “well I’d have millions if I’d invested it myself”. Cool story, we can’t undo you being dumb and voting democrat your entire life, but you can unfuck the social security clusterfuck for every other generation. “But I need it now”. Then third round of trying to explain the buyout. “But I could have more money if it was fixed when I was younger”. You should have voted for it. Then they shut down the conversation. They truly are the TV generation where their entire thought process came scripted and curated, they can’t even comprehend ending a horrible policy because they were told it would give them more money. Same with the infinity immigration they pushed because more money. Same with the intentional housing scarcity. On and on. There’s not one single brain cell that doesn’t operate on “well I’m going to get mine” even to their own detriment.
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The amount of people that don't understand that social security is a literal ponzi scheme is honestly frightening
More pyramid than ponzi, but the point stands.
No, it's basically definitionally a Ponzi scheme; they're paying the older people who "joined" first (at gunpoint), with the money paid in by the younger generation, to make it look like the system is working.
It's all propped up by new "investment." It's a Ponzi scheme.
It's a little bit of both, though, I'll admit, since it does incentivize people to keep the scam going which equates to demanding more people join, which is similar to a pyramid scheme in concept as well. But considering people aren't actively recruiting for social security, it's much more similar to a Ponzi scheme than a pyramid.
The reason it is a pyramid scheme is because it requires an ever increasing number of people paying in at the bottom to pay out at the top. That makes it worse than a Ponzi scheme, because it is impossible for a population to grow indefinitely.
Both a pyramid and a Ponzi scheme involve bringing in new investors/investments.
But a pyramid scheme involves the investors going out and recruiting. A Ponzi scheme is more centralized, and recruitment is done from the top, generally. Social security is too centralized to be a pyramid scheme. Boomers aren't going door-to-door saying you have to sign up for SS...the government already signed you up.
So, it's actually worse than both a pyramid or Ponzi scheme, since you're not getting scammed, you're getting robbed.
It's a Ponzi scheme where you invest at gunpoint.
So does the ponzi.
The piramid scheme pays out just enough at each individual level to make the rubes feel they are actually gaining, because each rube is screwing over the rubes below them. The guys on level 9 are profiting off the guys at level 10, and the guys at level 8 are profiting off of both. From the top to the middle everyone is actually profiting off of doing nothing, by milking the guys in the lower levels. Next to nothing is even coming from sales of the "product," and while the guys at the top are making out the most, some of the middle is actually making millions along the way too.
It's a derivative of the ponsi scheme, but not the same, because a whole bunch of people in the middle are actually making money and contributing to the scam in their own greed.
Nobody invested in SS is making money off of SS, only the political class who are grifting and stealing from it at the top. Ie, a ponzi scheme. You may be trying to think forth dimensionaly that the boomers invested in the past are level 5 and you are level 10, so they are somehow profiting off of you like a pyramid scam, but they are not. They had their money stolen too, they are just too dumb to realise it.
Technically the government is moving around money so both maybe?
Ponzi fits much better. It has elements of a pyramid scheme, because the two are similar, but considering it's the government and not the "investors" getting new people into the system, it's hard to say it's completely a pyramid scheme, since it's missing that element.
"I paid, I paid, I paid"
No, boomer, I pay. You don't have a fucking savings account at the Social Security building. Money comes out of my paycheck and into your check.
Just tell them the first generation to receive benefits never paid into it and it’s been on the back foot ever since.