Ubisoft has a history of being retarded enough that I could have believed a lot of this was just them blundering their way into more controversies through sheer dumbassery.
But we are well passed the level when that's possible, and it being a straight attack is the only logical option.
The last decade has gone by so fast most of my examples of "recent dumbassery I recall from them" is closing in on a decade away, so fair point.
But honestly, it was really only them I'd give that benefit to. And only because of how many times they flubbed something so severely they were clearly retarded more than malicious.
This game however, is well into malice and has been for quite some time.
Unfortunately, putting it in a Confucius type quote doesn't make it more true.
Overreactions are one of the quickest ways to deflate yourself and any movement you have, because they leave glaring holes in your ability to defend yourself from criticism. You only have to look at the Left and how useless 90% of their once powerful labels and attack vectors have become. A significant amount of people now barely flinch at being called racist, sexist, homophobic whereas they once would instantly balk if it was merely insinuated.
That is what treating stupidity (or ignorance) as malice everytime gets you. Complete devaluing of your position over time to the point of uselessness.
However, my point wasn't to say this wasn't malicious. Only that sometime ago I could believe it was simply because of the method in which they tried to act betrayed how ignorant and clumsy they were. A "Jesus Christ is my nigga" type attempt to appeal backfiring. Now I have no reason to believe this game isn't made in malice, and they are capable of such.
Sounds like a straight up cultural attack on Japan.
It sounds like it because it is.
Bonus, the woman is an ancestor of the current Emperor, so ubislop is implying the Japanese royals aren't fully Japanese.
Ubisoft has a history of being retarded enough that I could have believed a lot of this was just them blundering their way into more controversies through sheer dumbassery.
But we are well passed the level when that's possible, and it being a straight attack is the only logical option.
Hanlon's Razor hasn't been valid for at least a decade now. There is no stupidity, there is only enemy action at this point.
The last decade has gone by so fast most of my examples of "recent dumbassery I recall from them" is closing in on a decade away, so fair point.
But honestly, it was really only them I'd give that benefit to. And only because of how many times they flubbed something so severely they were clearly retarded more than malicious.
This game however, is well into malice and has been for quite some time.
I saw a quote about a month ago.
If you treat incompetence/ stupidity as malice, both will go away
If you treat malice as incompetency/stupidity, both will keep growing unchecked
(I know I butchered the phrasing, but the idea is the same)
Unfortunately, putting it in a Confucius type quote doesn't make it more true.
Overreactions are one of the quickest ways to deflate yourself and any movement you have, because they leave glaring holes in your ability to defend yourself from criticism. You only have to look at the Left and how useless 90% of their once powerful labels and attack vectors have become. A significant amount of people now barely flinch at being called racist, sexist, homophobic whereas they once would instantly balk if it was merely insinuated.
That is what treating stupidity (or ignorance) as malice everytime gets you. Complete devaluing of your position over time to the point of uselessness.
However, my point wasn't to say this wasn't malicious. Only that sometime ago I could believe it was simply because of the method in which they tried to act betrayed how ignorant and clumsy they were. A "Jesus Christ is my nigga" type attempt to appeal backfiring. Now I have no reason to believe this game isn't made in malice, and they are capable of such.