Someone even tries, let alone, hits your child, you uppercut them no matter WHO they are. And what was the mother doing? How is the empty buggy MORE important than your kid?
Someone even tries, let alone, hits your child, you uppercut them
Nah, foot stomp hard with your heel, then knee to the face as they buckle over. They're watching you and probably your hands, so hit them outside that FOV.
Someone even tries, let alone, hits your child, you uppercut them no matter WHO they are. And what was the mother doing? How is the empty buggy MORE important than your kid?
Nah, foot stomp hard with your heel, then knee to the face as they buckle over. They're watching you and probably your hands, so hit them outside that FOV.
Moments like these remind me that my father was a really fucking weird dude.
Not to specify, but the face has a lot of parts that stick out, and teeth are sharp.
He bit off an ear during a boxing match?
More along the lines of small vermin, but that was always his "if it's a real fight" advice.
Although he emphasized the nose.
Hmm. Not Mike Tyson's son, then.