It's actually shocking how little Seder was able to defend his worldview from rudimentary attacks coming from someone secure in their stances.
What I mean is that, functionally speaking, the only argument leftists ever had was the threat of character assassination for people that disagree. It was only ever a consensus popularity contest (with manufactured consent).
I watched the full thing and I can't understand why Sender agreed to do this, is his echochamber so good that he never heard any real argument against his ideology?
Like I typed in above, Seder believed most average right-wingers were drooling inbred morons, living in his bubble full of yes men. In a way, he was kinda right like for much of our time, most right-wing debaters were too lenient and too honourable that leftists would underestimate them. That's why it's such a shock when they come across someone like Mr Metokur and Nick Fuentes, both of whom knew what they were talking about but even mock them for their idiotic arguments.
most right-wing debaters were too lenient and too honourable
This is why Destiny is so "successful." Because he is so fucking slimy and willing to be a piece of shit that few people can actually defend themselves against him without coming across as worse, as his audience is already on his side so "going down to his level" makes you lose. There is nothing he won't say, no principle he won't slide around, and no degeneracy he isn't already a fan of to win.
is his echochamber so good that he never heard any real argument against his ideology?
Most normies, left or right, have never heard the actual arguments against their globohomo propaganda positions. They've only heard caricatures and strawmen of our arguments and positions. Their positions have never been challenged or questioned, so they and their ideas are incredibly weak, and easily picked apart and rebuked.
This is because race realists, antisemites, White collectivists/nationalists, and Nazis (REEEEEEEEEE!) have largely been censored off of mainstream platforms since the implementation of said mainstream platforms (like Facebook). It's just that the evil has become so blatant, the world has gotten so bad, that even normies are noticing, and giving ear to the voices of the only people who've been proven right, over and over and over. So, the red pills continue, and increasingly accelerate as the current trends continue.
The enemies of globohomo kept getting censored into niche spaces, but as the purity death spiral of globohomo continued, more and more people kept being pushed into those niche spaces, for increasingly small infractions of wrong think, exposing more people to the truth. And then, our numbers got large enough, people became brazen enough (what do we have to lose at this point anyway?), and a few globohomo missteps (like Elon eliminating most of the censorious bastards at Twitter), has allowed the truth to be spoken in mainstream spaces by increasingly large crowds of people who are getting increasingly and rightfully pissed at how we've been constantly screwed over, even by our purported "allies".
It's actually shocking how little Seder was able to defend his worldview from rudimentary attacks coming from someone secure in their stances.
What I mean is that, functionally speaking, the only argument leftists ever had was the threat of character assassination for people that disagree. It was only ever a consensus popularity contest (with manufactured consent).
I watched the full thing and I can't understand why Sender agreed to do this, is his echochamber so good that he never heard any real argument against his ideology?
Like I typed in above, Seder believed most average right-wingers were drooling inbred morons, living in his bubble full of yes men. In a way, he was kinda right like for much of our time, most right-wing debaters were too lenient and too honourable that leftists would underestimate them. That's why it's such a shock when they come across someone like Mr Metokur and Nick Fuentes, both of whom knew what they were talking about but even mock them for their idiotic arguments.
This is why Destiny is so "successful." Because he is so fucking slimy and willing to be a piece of shit that few people can actually defend themselves against him without coming across as worse, as his audience is already on his side so "going down to his level" makes you lose. There is nothing he won't say, no principle he won't slide around, and no degeneracy he isn't already a fan of to win.
Its the same tactic as:
Dude, the redditors and twitter libs say he owned her.
He will never have to defend his stance in his parallel universe
She said "Mean Things", therefore she is wrong
- Every leftist ever.
Rly? That is depressing but not that shocked
Even the Jubilee's youtube channel is full of them declaring the victory to seder.
Most normies, left or right, have never heard the actual arguments against their globohomo propaganda positions. They've only heard caricatures and strawmen of our arguments and positions. Their positions have never been challenged or questioned, so they and their ideas are incredibly weak, and easily picked apart and rebuked.
This is because race realists, antisemites, White collectivists/nationalists, and Nazis (REEEEEEEEEE!) have largely been censored off of mainstream platforms since the implementation of said mainstream platforms (like Facebook). It's just that the evil has become so blatant, the world has gotten so bad, that even normies are noticing, and giving ear to the voices of the only people who've been proven right, over and over and over. So, the red pills continue, and increasingly accelerate as the current trends continue.
The enemies of globohomo kept getting censored into niche spaces, but as the purity death spiral of globohomo continued, more and more people kept being pushed into those niche spaces, for increasingly small infractions of wrong think, exposing more people to the truth. And then, our numbers got large enough, people became brazen enough (what do we have to lose at this point anyway?), and a few globohomo missteps (like Elon eliminating most of the censorious bastards at Twitter), has allowed the truth to be spoken in mainstream spaces by increasingly large crowds of people who are getting increasingly and rightfully pissed at how we've been constantly screwed over, even by our purported "allies".