Is there any documented case of some middle class woman, tourist or not, getting abducted and forced into prostitution or sex slavery? Basically, has any part of the plot of Taken ever happened?
Not talking about third world slaves in Dubai. Not talking about Slavic victims of passport abuse. Or ISIS abducting aid workers. Or Dubai yacht girls. Or white slavers in the Ottoman empire. Or pimps brainwashing runaways. Or depraved psychopaths abducting joggers. Or clueless Eat Pray Lovers getting raped by retarded Indians.
I hear this all the time like it's a thing. For example I just read someone on X that asserted we can't hang pimps and prostitutes because some of them might be kidnapped women. But I've never read a real case with names and dates. It begs the question, did this ever happen or is it one of those folk tales that gets swept along with the human trafficking cause?
The closest thing I've heard of is Pakistani Britain where 12-year old girls were getting snatched off the street, but even then the ones that were turned out seem to be more victims of pimps.
edit: found what looks like an example of this happening. 15-year old girl abducted from a basketball game and found in a prostitution ring in another state. The cops mostly ignored this because the girl had run away from home before.
I kind of wonder if this is a pure stranger danger story considering the history of running away, the admitted marijuana addiction, and wandering off to a parking garage with a pretty obvious gangbanger, but it looks like that's what it is.
edit 2: OK, I have more doubts now. "They plied me with marijuana and I blacked out" uh... I don't think marijuana does that. Then after the failed police raid she wanders around and somehow falls in with another guy who rapes her as well. Really?
Am a little confused that Natalie said she had "a problem with marijuana and vaping and left to go find someone at the coliseum to smoke with." I cannot see how either of these properties would drive a person to abandon an event they attended with family, left the coliseum even, just to go vape with a stranger. I suspect she was doing something harder if addiction is why she left. Marijuana is not addictive (only habit forming) and vaping could have been done in the coliseum if they were sly about it.
No one lured Natalee, she approached him so she could get high. The story she told before was different, she even admitted that she was thinking about calling her parents.
Or she knew the guy she walked out with. Sounds like a loverboy scenario.
These things don't happen in the West.
Nah. Put yourself in the shoes of these criminals. Why would they do this shit in a feminist nation? And risk all that heat, prison time and other punishment? Better to just kidnap and enslave women in other countries. Better to make these women come to you in a nation where the authorities will turn a blind eye. Remember Epstein's island? They had women lure other women there for a reason. And not just grab women off the streets. Criminals would have to be extremely low IQ to think the ideal method is just grabbing random woman off the streets in a feminist country when it's so easy to lure women to a certain part of the world with promises of money or other things. Your average gold digger will fly to any location in this world as long as she thinks she is meeting a rich man and he pays for the plane ticket. In a real life version of Taken, they would try to lure his daughter to some location outside of France. Of course, the movie Taken is unrealistic on purpose because it's purpose to be like an entertaining horror movie that shocks and terrifies the audience, making them think, nowhere in this world is safe.
'Feminism' is all that prevents human trafficking?
Also, why do it in a feminist country? Ask the Pakistani grooming gangs in the UK.
I think the word 'grooming' is the subtle difference there. it typically involves long form indoctrination of the victim, whereas Taken is a brazen kidnapping entirely against the victim's will.
such kidnappings happen all the time, but they usually are perpetrated by low-tier criminals who immediately rape and torture the victim.
Risk versus reward. Why invest all your risk in kidnapping some rich Western girl when for the same amount of risk you could have 20 unknown Ukrainians or whatever?
Also the vast majority of what is called human trafficking begins with some degree of consent from the woman. They are not grabbed by marauding Ottomans or Mongols, branded, and slapped in chains.