The original films already heavily deviated from the books. Snape is supposed to be terrifyingly unattractive, like a gargoyle, with a huge hooked nose. The kind of kid who you understand why he got bullied and carried that hate into adulthood to torment kids.
Alan Rickman is none of those things, and is the entire reason why the character is so beloved instead of treated like a creepy loser who chased his oneitis so hard he bullied her son.
So, while I see your point, the films (which is all the majority of Harry Potter fans consumed) broke that rule already and were championed for it. So we gave them billions for already going wildly off description once.
Alan Rickman as Snape is like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine (who is supposed to be a 5'3" manlet) where they do such a good job playing the character that you don't really care that they're not 100% source accurate.
Tom Cruise is good in everything but he didn't really make Jack Reacher his own character, the giant guy Amazon found for the TV show was a much better fit.
Yea I know but this show touted the fact that it would be faithful to the books. I thought Rickman looked better than the book described but this casting isn’t even trying
Unfortunately, Rowling herself openly advocated for them doing this in other adaptations so its truly a lost cause with this particular franchise.
The only saving grace it has is that its dominated by horny women, who are known to be very quick to abandon things if they fail to titillate them enough (see Doctor Who). So while they will talk a big game about supporting it, they will likely dodge it anyway.
The original films already heavily deviated from the books. Snape is supposed to be terrifyingly unattractive, like a gargoyle, with a huge hooked nose. The kind of kid who you understand why he got bullied and carried that hate into adulthood to torment kids.
Alan Rickman is none of those things, and is the entire reason why the character is so beloved instead of treated like a creepy loser who chased his oneitis so hard he bullied her son.
So, while I see your point, the films (which is all the majority of Harry Potter fans consumed) broke that rule already and were championed for it. So we gave them billions for already going wildly off description once.
Alan Rickman as Snape is like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine (who is supposed to be a 5'3" manlet) where they do such a good job playing the character that you don't really care that they're not 100% source accurate.
Yeah, I don't hate him being in the role, but it still set a precedent.
Also, Tom Cruise as Reacher.
Tom Cruise is good in everything but he didn't really make Jack Reacher his own character, the giant guy Amazon found for the TV show was a much better fit.
Yea I know but this show touted the fact that it would be faithful to the books. I thought Rickman looked better than the book described but this casting isn’t even trying
Unfortunately, Rowling herself openly advocated for them doing this in other adaptations so its truly a lost cause with this particular franchise.
The only saving grace it has is that its dominated by horny women, who are known to be very quick to abandon things if they fail to titillate them enough (see Doctor Who). So while they will talk a big game about supporting it, they will likely dodge it anyway.
Well, at least they picked a suitably hideous actor.
Agreed, I really wish they'd gone with the rumored casting of tim Roth - he has that oily unpleasantness the character needed.