Charlotte winning the women’s rumble didn’t surprise me but Jey Uso certainly did. I assumed it would be either Cena or Punk. After the rumble I rewatched the 90 Royal Rumble to satisfy my inner hulkamaniac.
80s through ruthless aggression will always be my favorite time as a fan but I still watch while understanding I’m no longer the target audience. Especially since I have no clue who the celebrities/musical guests are
Wrestlings fake. Flair is old but from the little I’ve watched she gets more of a pop than those Asian chicks. Jade cardagill looks like a comic book character and should therefore win always
lol, yes I’m aware wrestling is fake. The illusion was shattered for me by my brother’s best friend. Yep, Flair gets a massive reaction regardless. I see her dad as the GOAT. Cargill is hurt or has some treatments I think. She could play storm
Bret “The Hitman” Hart is the best there is best there was best there ever will be
He is definitely one of my favorites but Hogan is my all time favorite. I already took my vitamins and said my prayers today.
I love it. I feel a lot of people would talk shit on hogan because of the behind the scenes politics. It’s different then his character and he was undeniably popular. Everyone is probably an asshole because they have to push themselves. Hogan was just very good/lucky about it.
Flair got a huge pop but it was the first time she had been back in over a year. I wonder what her continued popularity will be.
I was there. Charlotte winning the women's Rumble was no big surprise. They'll have her go after Tiffany Stratton since she's just a transitional champion.
Jey winning the Rumble was a bit of a surprise. I was betting it would be either Cena or Punk. They will have Jey go after Gunther (and probably win) while they set up a triple threat with Cody/Cena/Punk (all whom I hate). The way they keep talking about how Punk has never main evented a WrestleMania all but guarantees they put him with Cody while shoe horning Cena in because retirement tour, and also especially because of that heelish interview he gave at the presser after the Rumble.
He gave a heelish interview? What did he say? I enjoyed his heel run during ruthless aggression. I’m thinking we get Rock vs Roman this year as well otherwise I agree with all your predictions. I wonder who will take on Rhea Ripley. I’m thinking Bayley
Cena prattled on about how him being in the main even at WrestleMania is best for business and declared himself for the Elimination Chamber. Link
I honestly couldn't give two shits about the women. I used to be big on them back during Trish and Lita's day, but now they just bore the shit out of me. If I had to guess though I would say either Bayley or Alexa Bliss.
Edit: I doubt it will be Rock/Roman this year. If that was the case I imagine they would have set something up last night.
They didn't do any Rock stuff until after the Rumble last year. Would Rock do a match if he's not main eventing? They've been teasing Rock/Roman for years, I wonder if they'll ever pull the trigger.
They were going to do it at WM40, but the Cody crybabies fucked that up. I've talked to a lot of them who all say they regret throwing a fit now because Cody's reign has been such shit.
I think that's kayfabe. Cody's reign has been fine. They are the same people who bemoaned about Reigns long title run
I think Flair/Ripley would be a good match. Ripley is super over and a win against Flair would cement her as a special talent.
She is hot too. lol. Seriously though I can’t see her beating Flair. Well I think if she does win then it would be due to cheating or some distraction
Jey and Gunther, I'm assuming that's who he picks, could be really good. Charlotte winning is ho hum,. I'm not really into women's wrestling. I have to say Zelina Vega and Natayla looked really hot. The rumble match was damn near perfect, outside the Towzka/Speedy stuff. I enjoy the Rumble matches they are a fun match.
I watch the women. Doesn’t hurt if they are attractive but unlike wnba there are women who have gotten over and isn’t forced like wnba. Yea I like the Rumble almost as much as Mania
Zelina cosplaying Juri 2 years ago automatically shoots her up to top tier for me
Cena didn't need to win the Rumble for his retirement storyline, and with Punk you can either use him in a triple threat match or in some kind of clusterfuck match involving him, Rollins, Reigns, and Logan Paul. Charlotte winning was a sure bet the instant it was clear she was coming back and I'm glad they brought Alexa Bliss back too and that she's still in Hot Topic goth mode.
The last one I watched was Drew McIntyre and Charlotte Flair winning.
Which looking it up was 2020. I'm surprised it was that long ago.
I know. I thought the same thing
I did and I loved it. I've already been talking to people predicting the WM card since this, but I do love that they actually made Jey the main event
What's the predictions? I kept hearing Punk/Rollins but after the Rumble it looks like Reigns/Rollins. We could get Rhodes/Reigns 3. I'm assuming Gunther/Jey, and Jey going over. I personally wouldn't like that because I feel Gunther has been under utilized
Yea, that was a pleasant surprise. I assume Rock vs Reigns is happening and that Punk will win Elimination Chamber. I think Cena will feud with someone else