I was a massive Sonic fan as a kid, and it’s heartening that my own kids love the films today. I think they’re done well, even Jim Carey is good as Robotnik (which is something I honestly wasn’t expecting).
My only criticism is the forced interracial marriage in it. Fuck all to do with Sonic, has no bearing on the plot and screams “current fucking day”. I wish they’d just stop with that shit already.
Honestly, I think the painfully overdone Jewish plot from the Knuckles show (that only bleeds over into a single scene in 3 thankfully) is far worse than the interracial.
Not even just a generic "Jew bad" criticism, that shit is painful to watch in how stereotypical and try hard it is.
Its adapting the most unquestioningly loved game in the entire franchise, and is literally bursting with nods to that game. Which means its both exciting for a parent who loved Sonic back in the day and a kid who just loves Sonic now.
It even took to heart criticism from the previous movie and basically cut the human characters down to a fraction to focus on what everyone wants to see.
Literally the only thing you can sit and complain on is the black wife, which from a culture war standpoint is something, but its still a Major Company listening to feedback and actively improving their product for their audience. Which is a miracle in Current Year.
The Sonic fan base loves it, that's all that matters.
The Sonic fan base deserves a win.
I was a massive Sonic fan as a kid, and it’s heartening that my own kids love the films today. I think they’re done well, even Jim Carey is good as Robotnik (which is something I honestly wasn’t expecting).
My only criticism is the forced interracial marriage in it. Fuck all to do with Sonic, has no bearing on the plot and screams “current fucking day”. I wish they’d just stop with that shit already.
Honestly, I think the painfully overdone Jewish plot from the Knuckles show (that only bleeds over into a single scene in 3 thankfully) is far worse than the interracial.
Not even just a generic "Jew bad" criticism, that shit is painful to watch in how stereotypical and try hard it is.
Its adapting the most unquestioningly loved game in the entire franchise, and is literally bursting with nods to that game. Which means its both exciting for a parent who loved Sonic back in the day and a kid who just loves Sonic now.
It even took to heart criticism from the previous movie and basically cut the human characters down to a fraction to focus on what everyone wants to see.
Literally the only thing you can sit and complain on is the black wife, which from a culture war standpoint is something, but its still a Major Company listening to feedback and actively improving their product for their audience. Which is a miracle in Current Year.