It went to court and the court found that it was illegal and so the liberals immediately went to appeals court and it's sitting there currently. My guess is that it's not looking too favorable for the libs which is why trudeau decided to "step down"
Tamara Lich, the Metis grandmother from Medicine Hat, Alberta who was alleged to be the leader of the movement despite not being a trucker, aligned herself very closely with Ezra Levant & Rebel News. Ezra helped her launch her book.
She's still waiting on a verdict on her federal Conspiracy to commit mischief charges, which could send her to jail for decades.
The more normie elements of the movement like influencers such as The Pleb & Clyde Do Something that rose to social media prominence during the time are backing Pierre Poilievre and the WEF-lite Conservative Party that will form the next government. The same Conservative party that backed all Trudeau's COVID tyranny and criminalizing all opposition to mutilating children via GAC. The same Conservatives who tore themselves apart over their pearlclutching at the optics of supporting a working class popular movement to fight Trudeau that literally rolled up to their doorstep. Clyde and Pleb are now hated by Diagolon. Clyde apparently fled Canada and moved to Texas.
The slightly-less-normie-but-too-scared-to-be-race-realist-or-JQ-noticing libertarian types are still backing Maxime Bernier and the PPC. They still somehow believe that the system can be reformed from within. These types likely include people like Viva Frei and Tom Marazzo. The problem is that Maxime Bernier has completely squandered any COVID tyranny momentum or the fact that casual racism against Indians and explicit opposition to mass migration has hit the Overton Window. Max hasn't recruited any fellow high profile dissident candidates to run, their by-election performances have been embarrassing and their mainstream polling numbers aren't even registering on reports. Max has also had some bad press in buying a hurricane-damaged escape property in Florida while recruiting lots of non-white candidates to run for his party at a time when opposition to mass migration is at an all-time modern high.
James Topp, the RCMP and reservist who marched from Vancouver to Newfoundland through Ottawa in protest of COVID restrictions has returned to private life and is radio silent. He was court martialed for protesting COVID measures on video in uniform, got to keep his pension, but was fined many thousands.
There's essentially been no COVID amnesty for anyone convicted of any BS charges, other than some of the ones that hadn't been tried yet having charges dropped.
All of the doctors who were sanctioned by licensing bodies over COVID opposition remain unlicensed and punished. Some remain under kangaroo court investigation.
Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario who oversaw a lot of the worst of the COVID tyranny measures and supported Trudeau's martial law of the truckers, won a huge majority in 2022 and is saber rattling to call another election at present because he's polling well over pants-on-head retarded threats of cutting off exports and imposing tariffs over Trump's threats to impose 25% tariffs. Ford after the convoy also passed legislation giving the police civil forfeiture powers to seize your vehicle and your home in the event of any future civil disobedience that inconveniences the enjoyment of public infrastructure. He also retaliated by pulling all the commercial business licenses for any trucker associated with the protest, killing dozens of trucking businesses.
The Diagolon portion of the protest following Jeremy MacKenzie has gone full noticing and full race realist. They have completely disavowed Max Bernier and the PPC for not being White Nationalist enough. They've more or less alienated everyone else in the movement over the last 3 years. They believe there is no political solution but also claim to be against any political violence. They mostly advocate clean living at this point and working out.
Viva Frei, I was trying to google this frenchmans name and I couldnt find it last week. Last I heard from the guy he was moving to new york state or something.
Its amazing, this should wake up alot of canadians and show them how corrupt their leaders are, but nope. They just buckeled down in their delusions.
I still see many canadians repeat over and over how much "economic" damage the convoy did.
These fuckers are just tone deaf, that was the ENTIRE point of the convoy was to show that they, the canadian government, were destroying small business's with these pointless shut downs. They shut down childcare, all non essential shopping unless you were a big brand like walmart or canadian tire. For like 4 weeks.
I think the convoy made their point quite succinctly.
I still routinely read about how the convoy had guns and nazi flags. One guy who turned out to be a reporter or something was waving one and nearly got his ass beat by the convoy.
And then these people go around saying "freedumb" and rednecks and its got to be some of the most retarded shit I ever seen.
I wont even rant about how canadians lack any of their own identity so they have to steal it from others, many canadians believe they are rednecks, aka appalachians. Lol funny.
Yeah, not a peep from future Conservative PM Pierre Poilievre about amnesty or pardons from Trudeau's Attorney General and partisan judges for all those prosecuted with malice over the last 3 years related to COVID and the convoy.
Though TBF, Canada doesn't have the same pardon system as the US being a constitutional monarchy instead of a Republic.
That being said, that's still no excuse not to be openly advocating for justice for those on his side of the political spectrum instead of the tired old "we'll lower your taxes" safe old retail politics lies.
Poilievre, for all his very tepid rebukes of the mainstream media's Liberal biases, still cares too much about optics as curated by the mainstream media, to do what needs to be done to save the country : mass deportations and back to the conception of Canada as a confederacy of two founding nations you are, or integrate to : the English and the French.
He's still pro diversity, pro mass-migration, pro heavy government control. Except ''but please don't openly shit on White people while replacing them, and no carbon tax, and I'll try to put criminals back in jail and give-up once activist judges say I can't''.
I don't think he has the spine to ban trooning minors either.
They were also joined by other truckers and people from all across the country. Hundreds of trucks that came from Quebec and the Maritime, joining up in Ottawa. They formed what was possibly the most peaceful protest in the history of humanity, proportional to its size. They inspired people all across the world to follow in their footsteps, and moved the Overton window. They are the reason that the covid measures ended as abruptly as they did, when just days before the Convoy happened, politicians across Canada were still talking about making them even stricter, despite never seeing any evidence that they helped.
they just stood there and honked, and somehow this was enough of a threat to invoke a wartime emergency powers act that was just forgotten about after
It went to court and the court found that it was illegal and so the liberals immediately went to appeals court and it's sitting there currently. My guess is that it's not looking too favorable for the libs which is why trudeau decided to "step down"
Honestly that's low on the list of Trudeau's issues. I guarantee you that pending court decision had 0 effect on Trudeau's decision.
Trudeau had enough time to nominate his way into a woke majority in the Supreme Court of Canada.
Few or no things are getting unfucked in Canada if it reaches the Supreme Court.
The movement has really splintered since.
Tamara Lich, the Metis grandmother from Medicine Hat, Alberta who was alleged to be the leader of the movement despite not being a trucker, aligned herself very closely with Ezra Levant & Rebel News. Ezra helped her launch her book. She's still waiting on a verdict on her federal Conspiracy to commit mischief charges, which could send her to jail for decades.
The more normie elements of the movement like influencers such as The Pleb & Clyde Do Something that rose to social media prominence during the time are backing Pierre Poilievre and the WEF-lite Conservative Party that will form the next government. The same Conservative party that backed all Trudeau's COVID tyranny and criminalizing all opposition to mutilating children via GAC. The same Conservatives who tore themselves apart over their pearlclutching at the optics of supporting a working class popular movement to fight Trudeau that literally rolled up to their doorstep. Clyde and Pleb are now hated by Diagolon. Clyde apparently fled Canada and moved to Texas.
The slightly-less-normie-but-too-scared-to-be-race-realist-or-JQ-noticing libertarian types are still backing Maxime Bernier and the PPC. They still somehow believe that the system can be reformed from within. These types likely include people like Viva Frei and Tom Marazzo. The problem is that Maxime Bernier has completely squandered any COVID tyranny momentum or the fact that casual racism against Indians and explicit opposition to mass migration has hit the Overton Window. Max hasn't recruited any fellow high profile dissident candidates to run, their by-election performances have been embarrassing and their mainstream polling numbers aren't even registering on reports. Max has also had some bad press in buying a hurricane-damaged escape property in Florida while recruiting lots of non-white candidates to run for his party at a time when opposition to mass migration is at an all-time modern high.
James Topp, the RCMP and reservist who marched from Vancouver to Newfoundland through Ottawa in protest of COVID restrictions has returned to private life and is radio silent. He was court martialed for protesting COVID measures on video in uniform, got to keep his pension, but was fined many thousands.
There's essentially been no COVID amnesty for anyone convicted of any BS charges, other than some of the ones that hadn't been tried yet having charges dropped.
All of the doctors who were sanctioned by licensing bodies over COVID opposition remain unlicensed and punished. Some remain under kangaroo court investigation.
Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario who oversaw a lot of the worst of the COVID tyranny measures and supported Trudeau's martial law of the truckers, won a huge majority in 2022 and is saber rattling to call another election at present because he's polling well over pants-on-head retarded threats of cutting off exports and imposing tariffs over Trump's threats to impose 25% tariffs. Ford after the convoy also passed legislation giving the police civil forfeiture powers to seize your vehicle and your home in the event of any future civil disobedience that inconveniences the enjoyment of public infrastructure. He also retaliated by pulling all the commercial business licenses for any trucker associated with the protest, killing dozens of trucking businesses.
The Diagolon portion of the protest following Jeremy MacKenzie has gone full noticing and full race realist. They have completely disavowed Max Bernier and the PPC for not being White Nationalist enough. They've more or less alienated everyone else in the movement over the last 3 years. They believe there is no political solution but also claim to be against any political violence. They mostly advocate clean living at this point and working out.
Viva Frei, I was trying to google this frenchmans name and I couldnt find it last week. Last I heard from the guy he was moving to new york state or something.
Its amazing, this should wake up alot of canadians and show them how corrupt their leaders are, but nope. They just buckeled down in their delusions.
I still see many canadians repeat over and over how much "economic" damage the convoy did.
These fuckers are just tone deaf, that was the ENTIRE point of the convoy was to show that they, the canadian government, were destroying small business's with these pointless shut downs. They shut down childcare, all non essential shopping unless you were a big brand like walmart or canadian tire. For like 4 weeks.
I think the convoy made their point quite succinctly.
I still routinely read about how the convoy had guns and nazi flags. One guy who turned out to be a reporter or something was waving one and nearly got his ass beat by the convoy.
And then these people go around saying "freedumb" and rednecks and its got to be some of the most retarded shit I ever seen.
I wont even rant about how canadians lack any of their own identity so they have to steal it from others, many canadians believe they are rednecks, aka appalachians. Lol funny.
Viva Frei's real name is David Freiheit (a secular Jew).
He moved to Florida quietly with his family six months after the convoy.
He still does his legal show with Robert Barnes.
Freiheit is closely aligned with Rumble. Supposedly Barnes and Viva wrote part of its ToS.
Rumble also constantly promotes his shit on their homepage. Not sure if he actually signed an influencer deal with them.
Viva Frei is an anglo-jew who happens to be from Montreal, he's not a French guy.
Some poor fellows are still fighting this in the legal system. They changed the rules just to persecute them
Yeah, not a peep from future Conservative PM Pierre Poilievre about amnesty or pardons from Trudeau's Attorney General and partisan judges for all those prosecuted with malice over the last 3 years related to COVID and the convoy.
Though TBF, Canada doesn't have the same pardon system as the US being a constitutional monarchy instead of a Republic.
That being said, that's still no excuse not to be openly advocating for justice for those on his side of the political spectrum instead of the tired old "we'll lower your taxes" safe old retail politics lies.
Poilievre, for all his very tepid rebukes of the mainstream media's Liberal biases, still cares too much about optics as curated by the mainstream media, to do what needs to be done to save the country : mass deportations and back to the conception of Canada as a confederacy of two founding nations you are, or integrate to : the English and the French.
He's still pro diversity, pro mass-migration, pro heavy government control. Except ''but please don't openly shit on White people while replacing them, and no carbon tax, and I'll try to put criminals back in jail and give-up once activist judges say I can't''.
I don't think he has the spine to ban trooning minors either.
They were also joined by other truckers and people from all across the country. Hundreds of trucks that came from Quebec and the Maritime, joining up in Ottawa. They formed what was possibly the most peaceful protest in the history of humanity, proportional to its size. They inspired people all across the world to follow in their footsteps, and moved the Overton window. They are the reason that the covid measures ended as abruptly as they did, when just days before the Convoy happened, politicians across Canada were still talking about making them even stricter, despite never seeing any evidence that they helped.