66 Got my letter to Paizo Attn: Bulmahn drafted. Enjoy. (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 1 months ago by Erithal 1 months ago by Erithal +66 / -0 32 comments download share 32 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Mailing them my 1st Ed Pathfinder Core Rulebook tomorrow. I doubt one grognard throwing shade will change his mind, and suspect he's beyond shaming, but it's the principle of the thing.
Oh wow, actual physical mail. That's dedication right there. Give them an inconvenience they can't ignore by simply hitting the delete key, I like it.
Add a few dog turds to the box.
Cry-bullies will play the victim, I'd rather not cede them any ground.
They're going to anyway
Is there any way to make them pay the postage