Wednesday Emergency Broadcast: LA Emergency Managers Ordered A Partial Stand Down The Day The Fires Erupted! Plus, James O’Keefe...
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Cliff notes of the money shot please
Why does it seem EVERY attempt to spite Trump is backfiring?
Are they too stupid to pull it off, to spiteful to know when to stop or is Trump rolling Nat 20 I each danger roll?
All other incidents aside, the first assassination attempt is the most "Nat 20" situation there is. More like rolling a Nat 20 with disadvantage. Dude had him dead to rights.
Edit: this comment made me realize once again how well they succeeded at memory holing that fiasco.
A combination of it. They are stupid, yet too hopped up on hate and setting up things that MIGHT work in the Stasi era, but doesn't really work so well nowadays.
He has the Mandate of Heaven.
Trump went through his entire first term, he saw how they act and react to him. Especially as they weren't shy about bragging about it for accolades and clout. He seems pretty good about learning from some of his blunders.
So for a lot of these he has already likely anticipated this and put in work against it, like he did with his daughter's legion of poll watchers and lawyers.
Not to mention that shit has gotten so bad in this country that they likely aren't able to guarantee as much loyalty and obedience even from their own organizations, and their stuff is likely getting leaked through malice of sheer incompetence.
The safest comparison is to a cornered, wounded predator.
They know that they're in a losing situation, but they want to go out in one last primal attack; direction it at everything in sight.
It may well be partial stupidity, but I think it's mainly desperation.
Haven't watched the video yet, but if those wildfires were an attempt to hurt Trump, then it completely backfired and they're retarded. The only thing they did was to greatly highlight the utter incompetence of the democrats who have been ruling over California for the past 4 decades.
Let's dispel this notion, this fiction, that the Democrats are incompetent and don't know what they are doing.
They know exactly what they are doing.
I'm not ready to admit that all the literal niggers they set up to run these things are not only competent, but calculating and capable of planning.
Maybe someone high up the chain is, but the Dems Puppetmasters aren't in every level of every operation and a lot of the failures here are clearly pure nigger-bred plans and their consequences.
We knew that the LA fires were intentionally set up to escalate the way they did. However, it seems that a much larger ploy to have this affect the broader US (as well as Trump's ability to turn things around) was active, too. It looks like this is one part of a plan to set Trump up for failure Day 1; and that this is only the beginning of that plan.
If we share this info, there's a good chance the Deep State will have to work harder to turn America into a tyrannical, hostile wasteland. Pass this on to everyone you know!
But has the fire been successful in this stance? I’ve seen everyone literally blame the status DEI quo and Newtsome.