Eh, that's a stretch. Anakin didn't act out of love, but anger and fear.
Besides, the prequels were a messianic archetype deconstruction only after the Skywalker saga because it was thematically complementary. It also works if you think Anakin as any sinner that fell into Lucifer's influence and Luke as Jesus, since Luke's thing is redemption and forgiveness.
Star wars is told from the jewish perspective. from the jewish perspective Jesus(anakin) was a failed messiah, and the second messiah (luke) would be the true messiah.
George Lucas' religious beliefs are like a lot of "spiritual people" which is a mix of some Christianity and some Buddhism by his own assessment and he's not Jewish.
Even if he was, who cares. Believe it or not, some people in Hollywood's goal is to make something entertaining and make a profit as well.
Not everything is a shadowy subversion.
I reject the Buddhist and new-agey force type stuff from Star Wars, but enjoy it for what's good about it, the good vs evil, the redemption of a bad character with Luke and Vader, the overall coolness and the great effects and the great characters like Han Solo.
And the prequels are never canon to me. The only canon to me is the original trilogy before the retarded special edition changes.
It's not Star Wars: A New Hope.
It's just Star Wars
And the rest are Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
that comes in how Jesus wants to give everyone eternal life
Eh, that's a stretch. Anakin didn't act out of love, but anger and fear.
Besides, the prequels were a messianic archetype deconstruction only after the Skywalker saga because it was thematically complementary. It also works if you think Anakin as any sinner that fell into Lucifer's influence and Luke as Jesus, since Luke's thing is redemption and forgiveness.
Star wars is told from the jewish perspective. from the jewish perspective Jesus(anakin) was a failed messiah, and the second messiah (luke) would be the true messiah.
George Lucas' religious beliefs are like a lot of "spiritual people" which is a mix of some Christianity and some Buddhism by his own assessment and he's not Jewish.
Even if he was, who cares. Believe it or not, some people in Hollywood's goal is to make something entertaining and make a profit as well.
Not everything is a shadowy subversion.
I reject the Buddhist and new-agey force type stuff from Star Wars, but enjoy it for what's good about it, the good vs evil, the redemption of a bad character with Luke and Vader, the overall coolness and the great effects and the great characters like Han Solo.
And the prequels are never canon to me. The only canon to me is the original trilogy before the retarded special edition changes.
It's not Star Wars: A New Hope.
It's just Star Wars
And the rest are Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
If you want to read it that way fine, but Lucas has said Anakin is the prophesied "chosen one." And that's including Disney Star Wars
Why not Buddha?