Not to put too fine a point on in, but the India-Paki region is as fraught with ancient religious conflict as the Middle East, and India Pakistan should be an object lesson in exactly what a "two nation solution" looks like in practice.
The Sunni/Shiite conflict is almost identical to the Hindu Muslim one in greater India, with the added bonus of the Sikhs thrown in.
Long way if saying, fundamentally no. They're two different groups of people, but thay doesn't change a whole lot. Only the Sikhs are tolerable to behin with, and that's only the most orthodox ones
Sorry, is this the same Elon that wants to bring those same Paki rapefugees here? LOL.
Not to put too fine a point on in, but the India-Paki region is as fraught with ancient religious conflict as the Middle East, and India Pakistan should be an object lesson in exactly what a "two nation solution" looks like in practice.
The Sunni/Shiite conflict is almost identical to the Hindu Muslim one in greater India, with the added bonus of the Sikhs thrown in.
Long way if saying, fundamentally no. They're two different groups of people, but thay doesn't change a whole lot. Only the Sikhs are tolerable to behin with, and that's only the most orthodox ones
Imagine Elon bringing the pajeets so they can continue their fights with the pakis here
They've got to fight one another here so they don't have to fight eachother over there.
Hutis and zulus, bloods and crips, Scots and other scots. It's all the same.
Lad, you missed the obvious "Irish and other Irish" reference.
He wants pajeets who are slightly less rapey