The country already has enough talented people to train and recruit for most of those jobs ... 48% of respondents who answered this way identified as Immigrant
The statement that the largest supporters of immigration are immigrants is a misnomer. They are they are the ones who support immigration the most, but even then, it's only a plurality of them.
Those pro-American anti-immigration immigrants are actually where Trump has a huge amount of support. See the results from Zapata county in Texas.
From the cross-tabs buried in the report:
The statement that the largest supporters of immigration are immigrants is a misnomer. They are they are the ones who support immigration the most, but even then, it's only a plurality of them.
Those pro-American anti-immigration immigrants are actually where Trump has a huge amount of support. See the results from Zapata county in Texas.
You’re such a fucking snake.
He's anti-White but insists he isn't.
Not only do I insist, but you know I'm not.
I don't hate whites, I hate National Socialism.
I don't hate women, I hate Feminism.
Same logic.
Your actions speak so much louder than your rhetorical gymnasium of word walls.