The country already has enough talented people to train and recruit for most of those jobs ... 48% of respondents who answered this way identified as Immigrant
The statement that the largest supporters of immigration are immigrants is a misnomer. They are they are the ones who support immigration the most, but even then, it's only a plurality of them.
Those pro-American anti-immigration immigrants are actually where Trump has a huge amount of support. See the results from Zapata county in Texas.
From those same cross tabs- 52% support continuing the current level of immigration driven population growth. Zapata doesn’t want illegal migration because it affects them economically. Pretending Hispanics haven’t been trying to reclaim the southern US through population growth is as blind as pretending the US Government funded NGO La Raza wasn’t about population replacement. It’s magical that Hispanics, Africans and Arabs all had the exact same idea and implemented it in the exact same fashion on similar timelines.
Not all Hispanic immigrants are literally La Raza. These numbers wouldn't be as low as they are if that were the case. They wouldn't care about economics if they thought it was more important to conquer the American SW.
La Raza is being funded by the US Government. And that is because swathes of the US government are literally members of La Raza or sympathizers to La Raza. Most of your immigrants, however, are chancers. They are not dedicated idealogues for what amounts to "Bronze" National Socialism. Most immigrants are "chancers" (as the English call them), and are basically just taking advantage of the money offered to them.
We both know that "the largest supporter" is ambiguous enough to mean either the group with the most supporters or the group with the % proportion of support.
But at least you didn't try to use "largest" to refer to the physical mass or volume of the people comprising each group.
From the cross-tabs buried in the report:
The statement that the largest supporters of immigration are immigrants is a misnomer. They are they are the ones who support immigration the most, but even then, it's only a plurality of them.
Those pro-American anti-immigration immigrants are actually where Trump has a huge amount of support. See the results from Zapata county in Texas.
From those same cross tabs- 52% support continuing the current level of immigration driven population growth. Zapata doesn’t want illegal migration because it affects them economically. Pretending Hispanics haven’t been trying to reclaim the southern US through population growth is as blind as pretending the US Government funded NGO La Raza wasn’t about population replacement. It’s magical that Hispanics, Africans and Arabs all had the exact same idea and implemented it in the exact same fashion on similar timelines.
Not all Hispanic immigrants are literally La Raza. These numbers wouldn't be as low as they are if that were the case. They wouldn't care about economics if they thought it was more important to conquer the American SW.
La Raza is being funded by the US Government. And that is because swathes of the US government are literally members of La Raza or sympathizers to La Raza. Most of your immigrants, however, are chancers. They are not dedicated idealogues for what amounts to "Bronze" National Socialism. Most immigrants are "chancers" (as the English call them), and are basically just taking advantage of the money offered to them.
The majority are useful idiots and economic migrants. You don’t have to be a dedicated ideologue to be a pawn.
Yeah, that's my point. A swathe of those "useful idiots" are also heavily voting for Trump. So, they're a lot less useful than La Raza hoped.
You’re such a fucking snake.
He's anti-White but insists he isn't.
Not only do I insist, but you know I'm not.
I don't hate whites, I hate National Socialism.
I don't hate women, I hate Feminism.
Same logic.
Your actions speak so much louder than your rhetorical gymnasium of word walls.
I said absolutely nothing deceitful. It's just not reasonable to assume that every immigrant wants mass migration.
They didn't include jews as a separate category. There's probably majority support in that group. Link to the crosstabs:
Religion - Other, but I doubt this fits in with the immigrants. There's probably very few immigrant jews in the US.
Clam down there Snopey. Save some deboonking for the other kids.
I just hate it when everybody runs with a statement that wasn't actually in the survey. It's happened to this survey specifically, twice.
We both know that "the largest supporter" is ambiguous enough to mean either the group with the most supporters or the group with the % proportion of support.
But at least you didn't try to use "largest" to refer to the physical mass or volume of the people comprising each group.
My complaint is that it was being taken as "the largest group of any combination of variables".