Reminder that climate change is, and always has been, based on computer models that cannot be regressed minus 100 years and produce accurate temperature predictions.
There's a fun demonstration of this for Ptolemy's epicycles on YouTube. His model can describe the movement of the planets from a geocentric frame of reference, but with enough epicycles it can describe any orbit no matter how contrived.
Reminder that climate change is, and always has been, based on computer models that cannot be regressed minus 100 years and produce accurate temperature predictions.
It has been a scam from day one.
With 4 parameters you can fit an elephant, with 5 you can make it wiggle it's trunk. With 5 billion you can make anything say anything.
There's a fun demonstration of this for Ptolemy's epicycles on YouTube. His model can describe the movement of the planets from a geocentric frame of reference, but with enough epicycles it can describe any orbit no matter how contrived.