Are you trying to pretend jews don't ever commit terrorist attacks and then try to blame it on the muslims? Ever heard of the Lavon Affair and the Dancing Israelis of 9/11??
I've heard of Dancing Israelis on 9/11, but I never saw it.
I actually watched Dancing Palestinians on the MSM that very evening. Muslims all over the middle-east were celebrating it, and I don't know why no one brings that up anymore.
As for jewish terrorist attacks, jewish terror attacks are exceedingly rare in Europe and the US. Hell, the Jewish Mafia didn't typically engage in terrorism back when it was a thing back at the turn of the 20th century. There's probably more genuine White Supremacist terror attacks in the US that Jewish Supremacist terror attacks in the US, and we know that White Supremacist terror attacks are probably under 10.
Are you trying to pretend jews don't ever commit terrorist attacks and then try to blame it on the muslims? Ever heard of the Lavon Affair and the Dancing Israelis of 9/11??
Use your brain a bit here.
How often do you see Muslims actually converting to Judaism?
How often do we see Muslims lying about their true faith?
How often do you see Jewish terrorists driving cars into Christmas festivals?
How often do you see Muslim terrorists driving cars into Christmas festivals?
The problem is he (and the rest of the shortbus brigade) barely have 3 braincells on a good today between the lot of them.
They're just as stupid as their communist buddies, just not anti white.
I've heard of Dancing Israelis on 9/11, but I never saw it.
I actually watched Dancing Palestinians on the MSM that very evening. Muslims all over the middle-east were celebrating it, and I don't know why no one brings that up anymore.
As for jewish terrorist attacks, jewish terror attacks are exceedingly rare in Europe and the US. Hell, the Jewish Mafia didn't typically engage in terrorism back when it was a thing back at the turn of the 20th century. There's probably more genuine White Supremacist terror attacks in the US that Jewish Supremacist terror attacks in the US, and we know that White Supremacist terror attacks are probably under 10.
Don’t forget the King David hotel bombing.
You know, for how much you think you get instantly banned for saying anything bad about the jews, you're still here seething about them. Strange...