I used to be "tolerant" of it but it became abundantly clear years ago that they can't keep it to themselves. That's why I have very low level of tolerance for alot of things at this point
I think that there are a majority of people who are homosexual and are happy to celebrate it within their own communities - I'm down with that.
I think some would like to see acceptance, equal to the normal heterosexual variety, within society - I'm down with that too but understand that there will be incompatibility issues with that.
Then there's the mindvirus.
When those with nothing but hate in their hearts used the LGB community as a shield to collectively try and tear society apart for no discernible reason we ended up with a community of otherwise loving people just looking for recognition turned into battered wives and everyone who was normally tolerant of it unable to say anything because apparently it would be an attack on an already battered wife.
I'd like to say there is space in my heart to try and help that situation but the mindvirus has already spread to more foundational elements of the society that allowed for the tolerance of such thing since viral entry.
Without a steady foundational framework to allow for such things the entire concept of individuality is smashed.
I used to be pro LGB.
I still have nothing against the concept but that was the first one to get corrupted.
Don't hate on people for what they believed, question what it was that made them drop support for it.
I used to be "tolerant" of it but it became abundantly clear years ago that they can't keep it to themselves. That's why I have very low level of tolerance for alot of things at this point
I think that there are a majority of people who are homosexual and are happy to celebrate it within their own communities - I'm down with that.
I think some would like to see acceptance, equal to the normal heterosexual variety, within society - I'm down with that too but understand that there will be incompatibility issues with that.
Then there's the mindvirus.
When those with nothing but hate in their hearts used the LGB community as a shield to collectively try and tear society apart for no discernible reason we ended up with a community of otherwise loving people just looking for recognition turned into battered wives and everyone who was normally tolerant of it unable to say anything because apparently it would be an attack on an already battered wife.
I'd like to say there is space in my heart to try and help that situation but the mindvirus has already spread to more foundational elements of the society that allowed for the tolerance of such thing since viral entry.
Without a steady foundational framework to allow for such things the entire concept of individuality is smashed.
The quiet nice gays are the bugs, not the features.